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Writing an Evergreen Nurture Sequence to Make More Sales: 3 Easy Steps

Writing an evergreen nurture sequence to make more sales is one of my favorite things to do. These are the email nurture sequences that specifically lead a new subscriber to become a new buyer without any additional effort on my part. And it doesn’t get much better than that!

Here are three easy steps to writing an evergreen nurture sequence so you can make more sales on autopilot too:

1. Start with the end in mind

Before you start writing your evergreen nurture sequence to make more sales, you need to know which specific offer you’re leading your reader to.

For example, let’s say you have a membership, and you want to encourage your reader to join. When you’re writing your email nurture sequence, your emails should talk about your membership, but only indirectly at first. See #2.

2. Tell stories

One of the best ways to turn a reader into a buyer is to tell stories about your offer.

What made you put the offer together and why does it matters so much to you and to your reader? Where were your current members before they joined and what have they gained from being a part of your membership? How does your membership relate to where your potential buyer is today with regards to what’s going on in their minds and their hearts. What’s the mini hero’s journey you can take them on?

Ask yourself these questions and jot down notes on how you can weave a story around your answers that will resonate with your reader. This is the best way to connect with your reader both in their mind and their heart.

3. Ask more than once

Near the end of your email nurture sequence, you’ll make them an offer to buy.

What I see happen too often is that the ‘ask’ email gets sent, but your reader doesn’t buy. And while there are a million reasons why they didn’t say yes right away, it’s not an effective use of our time to figure that out when it comes to using an email nurture sequence to make more sales.

What IS effective is to ask again – and again – and again, in different ways and in different timed intervals. In between, you continue to nurture the relationship in a variety of ways, until they say yes, or until they move on.

(and for my top two tips for highly effective emails, click here)

Questions? Ask them here

If you want very affordable step-by-step training on how to write an effective nurture sequence for your online business, then check out my Online Business Breakthrough program.

Online Business Breakthrough is the #1 affordable & accessible online training for new and emerging service-based business owners who want to create a highly profitable business online in less than part-time hours.

Writing an evergreen nurture sequence to make more sales

5 Easy and Effective Ways to Say Thank You in Your Business

5 easy and effective ways to say thank you in your business​Here are 5 easy and effective ways to say thank you in your business today!

It seems that the holiday season starts earlier and earlier, with Christmas cards taking over most of the card section of any store right after Halloween (if not before!).

However, as for planning on how to market for and during the holiday season for our business, it’s almost never too early.

One of my mantras is “Giver’s Get,” meaning that you’re giving from a place of having no expectation of receiving anything in return.

Here are 5 ways that you can give in your business, feel really good about it, and reap the rewards from the Universe.

1. Thank your clients and customers.

An obvious one to do around Thanksgiving is to show your gratitude to your current clients and customers for their business. But you might be surprised at how few business owners actually take the time to do this.

It could be something as simple as expressing your thanks in a short email. Or you could send a thank you card in the mail. Or you could take it a step further and send a postcard that expressed your gratitude with a link to a special free gift to your clients and customers.

Taking the time to say thank you goes a long way towards deepening that all-important relationship with your current clients and customers. If you do nothing else this holiday season, at least do this.

2. Give your email list a gift.

Your ‘pot of gold’ in your business in your email list of potential clients and customers. You should always be treating them well, but at least once a year, offer them a gift – no strings attached – just to say thanks!

3. Give a holiday coupon.

As a gift to your list as well as to give you a boost in your income, why not offer a coupon towards one or more of your offerings. You could offer a 2-for-1 coaching session, or a 20% off discount for one of your ebooks or ecourses, or you could offer a special price for the month of December only on one of your programs. Your options are endless so feel free to get creative!

4. Give your affiliates a gift.

Your affiliates are also one of your greatest assets in your business. Show your gratitude to the folks who have chosen to join your ‘sales force’ by increasing their commissions for the holiday season.

Ideally, your commission rate should be at least 30%. Why not reward them further for promoting your offerings by doubling their commissions to 40% or more?

5. Give yourself a gift.

And don’t forget yourself! If you haven’t already, hire a virtual assistant to help you now so you can enjoy more of your holidays. You’ll be so glad you did and you’ll never go back to being a lone ranger!

My favorite site to find great VAs is

Now you have 5 easy and effective ways to say thank you in your business. I’d like to invite you to choose at least two of these ways of giving in your business to implement this holiday season and watch what comes your way in return.

Top 5 Tips to Increase Your Sales BEFORE You Launch Your Offer

Would you like to increase your sales BEFORE you launch your product, program or service?

Here are my top 5 favorite ways to do just that:

1. Use Social Proof

What is “social proof”?

Simply put, we are all conditioned to watch what others are doing and follow along (think teenagers). Using social proof in your marketing helps you to influence your customers to purchase your products/services, get new prospects to sign-up for your list, and get people talking about you and your offering – and that’s just the start.

So, how do you use this psychological trigger in your marketing?

One of easiest ways is to share social media screenshots of positive comments and feedback your offer has received on your sales pages, opt-in pages, email as well as on your own social media platforms.

2. Answer your prospects #1 objection

To take “social proof” to a deeper lever, anyone who is buying anything almost always has this #1 objection: “Sure, you can do it, but can I do it?”

In addition to using yourself as an example (if appropriate) as evidence that what you’re offering does what you say it will, it’s also important to make sure you get “social proof” from people in your client/customer’s peer group.

One way is to ask your current customers or clients to give you results-based testimonials.

Ask your current customers or clients to give you testimonials that share one or more of the results they’ve received from your offer.

They simply say something like, “Before I used <name of your product, program or service> I was struggling with X. After using <name…>, I <benefit/result they received>. 

Testimonials from like this are the ones that cement the idea in your potential buyer’s mind that they can do it, too.

3. Use a time limit

Creating a sense of urgency around your offer will make it that much more enticing to potential buyers. For example, offer an early bird rate for one week only. Just knowing that you have one week to buy at a lower price creates that sense of urgency.

4. Use a limited quantity

If you are selling a physical product and you are only having 100 produced, then use that information to create the same sense of urgency you would with a time limit. Use a countdown on your website to further create the feeling that if your potential buyers don’t buy now, they may miss out.

5. Use a time or quantity limit on bonuses

Additionally, you could offer bonuses for a certain length of time (first week only) or for a certain number of products sold. For example, the first 30 buyers would get an additional bonus (valued at $XX).

These are just 5 quick tips on how to increase your sales BEFORE you launch your product, program or service. For more, come over to my free Facebook group here!

Top 5 Tips to Increase Your Sales Before Your Launch

3 Easy & Effective Alternatives or Additions to Your Coaching Packages

One of the things I enjoy about coaching is that I get to be creative with how I work with my clients, including how to create easy coaching packages that work for both of us.

In the 15+ years that I’ve been around the coaching industry, I’ve seen a rapid change from traditional 1:1 coaching of three 45 minute sessions per month for a monthly fee to session bundles, coaching programs that last as long as a year, in-person retreats, and much more.

So there are some simple ways that you can add value to your current coaching packages, or offer these alternatives to phone-only coaching as stand-alone packages, that can be very enticing to your clients.

Consider adding any of the options below to increase the value of your packages, or offer them as a stand-alone package, giving your clients a way to work with you at a more accessible investment, as well as help you as the coach to leverage your time.

Here are three of my personal favorites:

1. e-Coaching

In addition to phone sessions, one of the ways that I’ve coached my private clients is through e-coaching, or coaching via email and/or instant messaging.

I hold a firm belief that email coaching is just as powerful, if not more so, than phone coaching – and here’s why:

When you send an email asking for help, the simple act of writing and sending it creates energy that initiates the process of an answer coming to you – and not just MY answer.

When you put a problem out into the world, not only do the synapses in your brain start firing (our brains can’t help but answer questions) to come up with a solution, but the Universe starts working in order to bring you a solution as well.

It’s why experienced coaches understand that the real coaching happens between the sessions.

And e-coaching is also just a whole lot easier – you don’t have to schedule a call, you don’t have to be tied to a phone, or even a computer (you can e-coach via smartphone). And your client doesn’t have to wait until their next session to get the support they need – they just send an email!

2. Audio Coaching

For those of you who would rather coach by talking instead of typing, here’s an idea for you.

I had a private client once who was a coach and she was happy to receive questions via email from her clients. But she preferred to answer those questions via audio. What I suggested she do was to simply call into her recording service or use the app on her phone, record her answer, and then send the client the MP3 link to listen to. She loved answering client questions this way, and they loved hearing her voice. Simple and brilliant!

3. Video Coaching

Video coaching has become popular over the last few years, but there are many coaches who still prefer phone-coaching. However, video coaching is an effective alternative and might be preferred by some of your potential clients. When I was private coaching, I did video coaching most often with my clients who lived outside of the United States via Skype. It was free for both of us and it was the next best thing to being in-person.

And you could also offer video coaching in the same way that I described above in #2. For example, I had another private client who preferred recording a quick video where she could share screenshots, links and more in response to her client’s questions and requests for help. I do this for my Lively Biz students using a free service called Loom. Sometimes it’s so much easier for me to answer a question by showing how to do something via a quick Loom video vs typing it all out.

Which one of these alternatives or additions to phone coaching could you add to your current packages or that you could create a stand-alone package to offer?

I’d love to know – share with me here

3 Easy Ways to Use Webinars in Your Online Business to Make More Sales

Do you know that there are at least 3 easy ways to use webinars in your online business to make more sales?

Way before webinars or masterclasses became a popular way to convert more prospects into buyers online, I was leading them as teleseminars.

Same concept, same framework, different delivery, that’s all. 😉

Over the last several years, the teleseminar morphed with technology into webinars (or masterclasses) delivered via video, either live or recorded, instead of over the telephone via a conference line.

But it’s still a simple sales device that is highly effective. It’s why they’re used so often.

And there are ways to deliver them to make more sales for you too!

Here are three of my top tips for use webinars in your business to make more sales:

Tell more than teach

One marketing school of thought tells us that when we’re doing any kind of sales presentation, we should only share the ‘what and the why, but not the how’.

And that works, for sure. But for most of us, it’s hard not to teach, or education, or share a solution, even on a free sales talk, like a webinar.

My school of thought has always been to ‘share the what and the why and a little bit of the how’ so that your audience knows that you know what you’re talking about.

Let me break it down for you a little further.

– Share with your audience WHAT the problem is that you’re addressing as the topic of your webinar
– Explain WHY it’s critical to solve that problem
– Give them one or two things they can do to move towards handling the problem

In order to get your entire solution, they need to invest in the paid program or product. But you can at least show them on your free talk that you know what you’re doing, and you’re going that little bit further in deepening the know, like and trust factor with them too.

Build up the front and build out the back

One of the biggest mistakes I see online entrepreneurs make is not consciously focusing on connecting with their audience before their webinar.

They put up a registration page, send a few emails and social media posts and hope that people sign up and show up.

But it doesn’t work that way (and this was something I had to work on myself – because it USED to work that way quite well!).

You need to connect and give value to your audience well before you invite them to your webinar. Share free content with them, ask for engagement, connect with them, and then invite them to join you.

But don’t stop there!

Once they’ve registered, be sure to continue to connect with them to build anticipation and excitement about your webinar all the way up to the date of your presentation.

The other mistake I often see is once the webinar is over, there’s very little follow-up. There may be one or two emails that go out with the replay and the invitation, but there should be at least 4-6 follow-ups to make more sales from your webinar.

And that leads me to the third tip…

No is often not now

Once a webinar is over and the cart is closed for the offer, we often just forget about the people who said no.

But I want you to remember that often a No is just a Not Now.

So don’t forget to re-invite the people who registered but who didn’t say yes right away into the offer in the future, if it makes sense. Or consider making a downsell offer to them instead.

Which one of these three easy ways will you start using to make more sales from your webinars?

I’d love to know – share with me here