Quarterly Review – 5 Critical Areas to Consider

It’s the end of the Quarter!

To ensure that your online business is on track and heading towards your goals, it’s important to do a quarterly review. Quarterly reviews allow you to take a step back, analyze your progress, and make informed decisions about your business’s direction. By doing so, you can optimize your online business’s performance, increase its profitability, and stay on track to meet your goals.

So, let’s assess your business’ performance over the past three months, identifying areas that need improvement, and setting new goals for the upcoming quarter, ok?

Here’s are the 5 areas I assess in my own business – it’s simple but effective!

What worked:

Reflecting on what worked during the past quarter is an essential step in your quarterly review. You want to identify and celebrate the things that went well and contributed to the growth of your business. Did you launch a new product or service that received a positive response from customers or clients? Did you run a successful marketing campaign that brought in more traffic to your website? Did you finish a project, enroll new clients, get that podcast going, create a new lead magnet? Take note of these successes, no matter how small, as they all matter. And recognizing your wins can boost your confidence and motivation to keep moving forward too!

What didn’t work:

On the flip side, you also need to acknowledge the things that didn’t work. This step is not meant to bring you down or make you feel bad about your efforts. Instead, it’s an opportunity to learn and make improvements moving forward. Did you experience a decrease in sales or traffic to your website? Did a particular marketing strategy fail to generate leads? Do a quick analysis of why something didn’t work and determine what changes you can make to get better results in the future.

What to amp up:

Now that you’ve identified what worked and what didn’t, it’s time to focus on the areas that have the potential to bring even more growth and success to your business. Think about the strategies or tactics that had a positive impact on your business, and brainstorm ways to amplify them. For instance, if you noticed that your social media presence helped increase your brand awareness, consider investing more time and effort into your social media marketing efforts. By amplifying the things that worked, you can maximize their impact and drive even more growth for your business.

What to release:

It’s also important to consider the things that you should release or let go of to make room for new opportunities. This could be anything from a product, program or service that’s no longer in demand to a marketing strategy that’s not producing results. Holding onto these things can take up valuable time and resources that could be better used elsewhere. Be honest with yourself about what’s not working and be willing to let go of these things to free up space for new and better opportunities. Plus it just feels good to let go!

What’s new to consider:

As you look ahead to the next quarter, consider what’s new and emerging in your industry or market. What new ideas or ways in which you work do you want to explore? Is there a new product, program or service that you can offer to your customers or clients? Just pick one to focus on at a time, while you continue to tweak and repeat what’s already working.

When you’re ready, here are some other ways that I can help you:

1. Check out just-in-time free and paid trainings and templates inside the Online Business Breakthrough Shop here

2. Simplify and streamline your online business into one that’s highly profitable in less than part-time hours inside the Online Business Breakthrough School. Click here for more and to join

quarterly review

Guarantees: Why You Should Offer Them

There are many questions that often come up for new small business owners around offering guarantees – what kind, how long, am I risking too much by doing so, and even if they should offer them at all.

In my business, I offer a guarantee on almost everything I sell (I don’t offer guarantees for my 1:1 coaching and consulting services as I can’t control what the client does or doesn’t do), and the one thing they have in common is this:

Guarantees remove the risk from your buyer.

And yes, that means that then the “risk” is on your shoulders, but that’s exactly where it should be. After all, if you’re providing something of value that you believe in, standing behind it should be very easy to do.

Here are some other thoughts about offering guarantees for your products/programs, based on my experience:

1. Guarantees make it easier for your prospect to buy.

If you offer a 100% money-back, no-questions-asked guarantee, you’ve answered your potential buyer’s #1 objection – “But what if it doesn’t work for me?”

By assuring them that, if your product or program doesn’t do what you say it will for your buyer, you’ll give them their money back without demanding a reason, you’re assured more sales.

2. Guarantees are proven to make more sales.

You may think that by offering a guarantee people are going to take advantage of it unscrupulously, especially if you’re selling a digital product. After all, you can’t really take an ebook back once someone has downloaded it to their computer (and yes, I know there is software available that turns “off” a returned copy, although I don’t recommend you use it).

But so few people will really do that that it’s not worth not offering a guarantee. There will always be a few turkeys who will take advantage, but I suggest you leave it up to the Universe or Karma or whatever to take care of them.

3. Offer a strong guarantee.

Meaning, 100% money-back, no-questions-asked guarantee.

Also, studies show that the longer the guarantee, the less returns you’ll get. Why? Because people are busy, and they will appreciate a longer time to try something out before they have to return it. And frankly, unless they are furious about a purchase, it’s unlikely they will ask for their money back, especially it’s been awhile since they bought it.

But even a 7-day guarantee on a smaller digital product to give your buyer a chance to actually access it and decide it’s right for them will make you more sales.

4. Guarantees are promises.

If you offer something of value and you believe in it, then it’s easy for you to make promises about what it can do. It should be equally as easy, then, to offer an iron-clad guarantee to back up those promises.

Offering a strong guarantee will put your potential buyer at ease and make more sales for you.

If you want to learn more about creating strong guarantees that you and your buyer will feel good about, then check out the Online Business Breakthrough School here.