Did you take some time this past week to think about and perhaps even write down your resolutions for 2008?
To be honest, I’m not exactly a fan of resolutions – really, what’s so different about January 1 that’s going to make a dramatic difference in whether or not you keep your resolutions? If you just have a list of things you’d like to accomplish, well, the answer is ‘not much’. But if you have a PLAN to go along with your list, well, that can make ALL the difference.
What I’ve done for the past several years, as part of a much larger strategic planning process, is create what I call My Simple Business Plan. It includes just 4 goals that I want to achieve in my business within the next year. I review the previous year’s goals before setting down the next set for the upcoming year, and what I’ve found from doing this process over and over is this: I’ve reached AT LEAST those 4 goals within the year (and usually quite a few more). How? Because those were the ones I created a plan around to achieve.
So even though 4 goals may not seem like a lot, if it’s 4 more than you usually reach, wouldn’t that feel great? 🙂
This year, instead of creating resolutions for your business, try the following steps to create your own Simple Business Plan:
I’m back (well, almost… ;-))
After taking 4 months off for maternity leave to tend to Jack, I’m ready to get back into live action with you again, and I’m very excited!
Last week I opened registration for my 21 Easy & Essential Steps to Online Success Take Action Group to my clients, VIP customers and Cafe members, and they are already snapping up the limited spots for this latest session of the TAG.
This program is a 10-session workshop over the phone where I personally lead you through the ENTIRE 21 Steps System, step-by-step, week-by-week, so at the end of the 10-week program, you have all the pieces in place to build upon for a prosperous 2008!
And you even get access to your own 300+-page copy of 21 Easy & Essential Steps to Online Success System(TM), packed full of outlines, examples, templates, and worksheets that will serve as your own manual to guide your business to success completely for FR*EE when you register! (a $297 value)
And there’s much more, of course…
For a fraction of my private coaching fees, I’ll share with you all my secrets and strategies for creating an abundance of clients and customers, money, time and freedom in your business and your life.
And there are even two NEW benefits to this latest round: I’m thrilled to share that some of our TAG Alumni will be joining us, so you not only get to learn from me, but you’ll also have access to the wisdom of those who have successfully worked the 21 Steps before you!
And you’ll also have the option of adding PRIVATE e-coaching with me as well, where we can really personalize the program to make it specific to your individual business.
But here’s the deal… I’m only accepting 20 students into the group, and the slots are already being snapped up by those who received the priority notice this past week.
So if you would like a spot, please don’t miss out… I’d love to work with you and make 2008 your best year in business yet!
Go to the 21 Steps Take Action Group info page NOW to get the full scoop and to take advantage of your special tuition rate!

PS: If the above link doesn’t work for you, type this in your Web browser:
PPS: Questions? Happy to help: support@clientabundance.com
Our annual holiday party was a big success once again… and worth all the effort it took to pull it off, which was not easy with a toddler underfoot and a newborn in my arms… 😉 Here’s Chloe ‘ready in red’ to party. I’ll post some more photos as soon as I can find the camera!
Whenever someone new visits your website, your #1 goal is to get them on your email list. That way you have a method of keeping them up-to-date on your latest offerings, so when they’re ready to hire you or buy your product, you’re right there in their inbox.
And having a way for them to join your list that is both simple and effective will dramatically increase both your list numbers and your sales.
Here are the three biggest mistakes I see regularly on business websites:
1. Not having a way to capture your visitors. Most people don’t bite on the first pass, and once they click away, it’s unlikely they’ll be back. Don’t lose them by not having a way for them to sign up for your list.
2. The opt-in box is buried. If your visitor can’t find the form to sign up, then how can they?
TIP: Testing shows that the upper right-hand corner of your webpage is still the best spot for your opt-in box.
3. The sign-up form says something unenticing like "click here for mailing list" – ugh!
So, here are 5 proven ways that you can instantly increase your opt-in rates:
1. Give your visitor only one choice.
Some of you may have heard of a 1-banana or a single action website, which is exactly that. You’re giving your visitor only one option – sign up for your list via your free ezine, special report, checklist, ebook, etc. They get their freebie in exchange for giving you their email address.
One of my clients recently implemented this idea for her coaching business, which was a big leap of faith for her. I just got a joyful email from her saying that she’s noticed a substantial increase in her opt-ins since!
It works, so don’t be afraid to try it. And by the way, a testimonial or two on your 1-banana website doesn’t hurt either.
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