Summer Sale! 50% off my bestselling 21 Easy & Essential Steps to Online Success System – 1 Week Only

{Summer Special} Here’s a special opportunity to create (or strengthen) the critical foundation of your online business so you can create the same kind of FREEDOM I have in my business…

For ONE WEEK only, you can get my bestselling 21 Easy & Essential Steps to Online Success System™ for 50% off.

Just visit the link below for all the details:

This System is TRULY the secret to my success – as it has been for thousands of others as well. I’m confident it will be for you too.

(Just so you know, you won’t see the 50% discount until you click the ORDER NOW button which will take you to the check out page where the 50% off price will be reflected. No coupon code needed!)

OBBW 2013 – Just 3 Seats Left & FAQ

I hope this finds you well in your world and enjoying your summer… 🙂

We’re having a blast at the lake and I’m so grateful for this business that enables me to enjoy this precious time each year with my family.

We’re just about two months away from my annual Online Business Breakthrough Workshop and we have just 3 seats left.

(Get more details here –>

I’m quite proud of OBBW – of the content I provide in an intimate environment that enables you to take what you learn and put it into a plan of action that you can move forward with as soon as you get home (in fact, some attendees don’t wait – after the first day, they start making changes and additions to their business in their hotels rooms that night!).

And I’m committed to this OBBW being the best one yet (we have many returning attendees (some for the 3rd and 4th times!), so you can ask them at the end if they agree ;-) ).

(and don’t forget my extra-special bonus: each attendee will receive TWO Bonus Tickets* to OBBW 2014. So you’re actually getting two workshops for the price of one – cool, eh?)

And because I know you may be wondering similar things, I’ve answered some of the most common questions below as well… but if you have a different question, just hit reply and let me know – we’ll get right back to you.

I’m sensing that you know if OBBW is right for you – and if it is, well… your seat is waiting.

~ A

PS: The early-bird price is just $497- (and it will be flying away soon). I’ll guess that you’ve invested in an info-product or a teleseminar program that cost at least that much…

The Online Business Breakthrough Workshop is a full 3 day business-building workshop that is 100% content that’s 100% implementable (even if you don’t have one single team member yet) that meets you where you’re at – newbie or seasoned – in your business.

So if you’ve become jaded by events that are mostly rah-rah, tempting you with bits of information but not giving you the done-for-you templates, scripts, flow charts, processes, timelines, calendars and more resources to take you from where you are to where you want to be in your business and your life… you’ll be very pleasantly surprised by your experience at OBBW. That I know for sure.

OBBW Most Common Questions Answered

Q: Will you be offering a simulcast ticket option for OBBW?

A: No, OBBW 2013 will not be offered via simulcast. At the moment, OBBW is an intimate workshop, with no more than 50 attendees. In order to engage fully with the participants in the room, I have purposefully chosen NOT to simulcast the event.

If you want to learn from me on how to design, grow and manage a successful and sustainable business, part-time, and that honors whatever it is that’s MOST important to you, then join me LIVE here.

Q: I’m new in business. Am I going to be overwhelmed by OBBW?

A: Definitely not. Whether you’re a new business owner or have several years under your belt, what I’ll be sharing with you during our 3 days together is applicable and immediately implementable to ALL levels of business owners.

In fact, one of the unique ways I teach is in ‘layers’ – you’ll fully appreciate this at the workshop.

And it’s one of the beauties of hosting a boutique event like this – we’ll be tailoring all of the content together for wherever you are on your business-building path (starting with a Discovery Questionnaire you receive via email before the workshop where I ask all about you and your business, your goals and desires, and what you want and need most from me at OBBW).

Q: I’d like to come, Alicia, but I don’t like traveling or attending events alone. Could I bring someone with me?

A: Sure! All regular ticket holders may Bring-A-Friend (spouse, colleague, friend, client, family member, team member, etc.) for a one-time non-refundable $97- fee.

What that also means is that if you have someone you’d like to split the ticket fee with, you are most welcomed to do that (working the details out amongst yourselves).

For example, if you purchase your seat for $497- (the current ticket price) and add on the Bring-A-Friend option for $97-, the total investment would be $594-. That split between two people would be just $297- each!

Bottom line? At the early bird price of $497- (or even better, the split price of $297- if you split it with someone), you have the unique opportunity to participate in one of the only small business events that is 100% (and immediately actionable) content.

As I write this, we only have 3 seats left for this year’s workshop. With my own bigger picture plan mapped out, I can confidently say that this is the last year I will be hosting this intimate of an event for a full 3 days at this low of an investment.Here’s that link for you to reserve your seat now:

*BONUS TICKET: Everyone who has a reserved seat for – and attends – OBBW 2013 (whether it’s a regular ticket or a bonus ticket (guest, client, friend, scholarship, etc.) will receive 2 BONUS tickets to OBBW 2014. A Bonus ticket is a deeply discounted seat for the workshop and is non-refundable. You won’t have to book those seats until a later date, but we will keep them in reserve for you and be sure you get first dibs on securing them before we open the doors to the public. Super-cool :-)