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Are you new to building your business online?

Hi there!

I had a email conversation with a potential high-level client several years ago that went something like this…

“Alicia, I have a successful life coaching practice – full client roster, mostly via referrals, steady 6 figures in income, and I want to bring my business online. I’m interested in your Platinum program – can we talk?”

I told her she should consider going through my 21 Easy & Essential Steps to Online Success Systemâ„¢ instead.

My response surprised her. So much so she graciously asked why it seemed she wasn’t qualified for my Platinum program…(because <insert name>, <insert name> and <insert name> had already told her she was for their programs.

I explained it wasn’t that she wasn’t qualified at all. It was that she was already successful offline and she didn’t NEED a $24k Platinum program to bring that success online.

She only needed to implement the 21 Steps (for $297-) to get the foundation of a successful online business in place, and THEN we could talk about Platinum.

Or I could personally lead her through the 21 Steps program for $24k and call it Platinum… 😉 Her choice… You can guess which she choose, thanking me for pointing her to just what she needed next (and saving her thousands of dollars too).

I’m so tired of hearing stories from you about spending thousands of dollars BEFORE you want or even need to, just to get those critical underpinnings in place.

So I want you to have the same choice I gave to her  – and for even less of an investment than that…

I’m offering you the 21 Easy & Essential Steps to Online Success Systemâ„¢ for just $97-.

Click here to get your copy right now:

This is the final time I will be offering this program, even though it’s been my bestselling offer since 2006 – it’s simply time to make space for something new to emerge.

This $97- deal ends on Saturday, June 6, so don’t wait, ok?

Click here to get your copy right now:

~ A

PS: The program comes with access to the private 21 Steps Facebook Group as well as 8 Video Trainings of the entire course… it’s a screaming deal. 😉

Click here to get your copy right now: