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5 Fast and Easy Ways to Leverage Your Time and Talent Series: Part 4 of 4


People ask me all the time how I’ve managed to create a 6-figure+ business while only working about 15 hours a week. First, I had to build a solid foundation and set up systems that would support the business as it grew, systems that were either automated or delegated or easily repeatable.

Once I had the foundation and the beginning systems in place, I was constantly looking for ways to leverage my time and talent, and I still do. I could write a book on the many ways we do this in my business (and maybe I will someday) but in this 4-part series, I’m going to share with you some of the most effective ones that you can apply to your business today.

1. Pick a price…

Pricing is one of the places that almost everyone gets stuck. Don’t stay stuck especially if it’s something new that you’re offering and you’re filling in the holes in your business model. Just pick a price and get your offer out there.

Getting stuff out there will move you forward, create more income, and leverage your time.

You can say, “This is early bird pricing. This is beta pricing. This is an introductory rate. Be one of our beta testers.” Know that you’re not wedded to that price forever and ever.
That is the beautiful thing about what we do. We can change our pricing all the time. It’s simple. You can just type a new number.

2. Always be hiring…

As your business grows you always want to hire. Pay attention to who shows up, who comes across your desk, who is in your inbox and who you meet at conferences and events who may be a good addition to your team.

You might think, “I’d love to have her do my social media. I’d love to have her be part of my administrative team. I’d really love to have this person do my website.”

Be aware of the people that you’re feeling that resonance with. Maybe there is a small project you can hook them with to get them onto your team early.

That way when you’re ready to hire someone, you have a ready file of possibilities to go to.

3. Make mine WordPress…

If you haven’t made the switch from a traditional HTML to WordPress, now’s the time.

The benefits of using WordPress are seemingly endless. Search engines love them, you don’t need to know HTML to create a site or make changes to an existing site, and there are tons of free and low-cost templates to choose from that will give you business a professional polish.

Because it’s so easy to use WordPress, this is going to save you (or your designer) tons of time, which is going to save you tons of money.

4. Take a stand and make it matter

To increase your exposure and your reach into your market, decide what it is that you are willing to take a stand for and make that matter to your market. If you’re ready to stop seeming like everyone else in your market who does what you do, then figure out what it is that you believe at core level and are willing to make a stand for and in for your market.

Then use that stand as the basis for your manifesto, weave it into your marketing copy, speak about it with passion, and watch as more of your ideal audience gathers to you.

5. Publish your content on Kindle

If you have an ebook or a print book, consider publish those on Amazon as Kindle versions. It’s a great way to get your content in front of all that traffic that already exists on Amazon that can lead to more leads and more sales for you. Just be sure to put an invitation in your book that leads people back to your website.

I’d love to know which one of these leveraging tips resonates the most with you – share with me below!

5 Fast and Easy Ways to Leverage Your Time and Talent Series: Part 3 of 4


People ask me all the time how I’ve managed to create a 6-figure+ business while only working about 15 hours a week. First, I had to build a solid foundation and set up systems that would support the business as it grew, systems that were either automated or delegated or easily repeatable.

Once I had the foundation and the beginning systems in place, I was constantly looking for ways to leverage my time and talent, and I still do. I could write a book on the many ways we do this in my business (and maybe I will someday) but in this 4-part series, I’m going to share with you some of the most effective ones that you can apply to your business today.

1. Use volunteers

Using volunteers, apprentices or interns in your business is a great way to work smarter. Ask yourself what you want to accomplish by using a volunteer, looking at it from the place what tasks can they perform that will free you up so you can focus on creating the things that create income. Also consider what regular tasks they can help you with in your business that will allow you to save money while they get the benefit of learning from you by being part on your team.

2. “Please clarify…”

As someone who has a tendency to over-explain, the ‘please clarify’ idea is one of my favorite ways to leverage my time.

This is how is works: When someone sends you a communication whether by e-mail or voicemail and you’re confused by it, don’t try to figure it out. Just send an e-mail back or a quick call asking for clarity or have your assistant call if you have one. You can say, “I didn’t understand what you meant in your message. Can you clarify?”

Don’t spend time trying to figure out or interpret what it means. That’s a waste of time. We can make up all kinds of things. Let the other person be responsible for being clearer.

3. Turn off the chatter

Turn off your e-mail and your social media chatter.

If you’re in your inbox or on social media all day, turn it off. I give you permission not to answer your email the second it comes in as well as not worrying about what you may ‘miss’ if you log out of social media.

I know this might be hard for you, but what I don’t want you to do is work from a place of reaction. You want to respond in a timely manner when it’s called for but you’re not reacting.

Here’s my mantra – both personally and professionally:

Just because someone e-mails you doesn’t mean that you have to answer it. Just because the phone rings doesn’t mean you have to answer it.

Record a message on your phone and set up an autoresponder that basically says, “We got your message. This is when we’ll get back to you.” You are managing expectations. You’re setting the tone. You’re asking people to respect your time. And you’re deciding how your time is spent in any given moment.

4. Choose simple

When in doubt try to create simple products and services. I know as entrepreneurs we have these great ideas. We are creative people. We have a lot of ideas and you’re always wondering, “What should I do next?”

The easiest way for you to create the next thing, whatever format it is, is to keep it simple.
You will get it to market faster. That’s a way to leverage your time. You’ll have more of the simple things to offer and it’s a lot less work for you if you keep things simple.

And know that those simpler ones can be bundled together down the road if they follow along the same theme, giving you another product to offer.

5. Choose an audience for your message

I know you’re probably tired of hearing this one, but it’s a fundamental truth when building a successful and sustainable business, not matter what businesses you’re in.

You must have a target market to share your message with. Even if you’re not sure who you are most meant to serve or who your message is specifically for just yet, that’s ok. But do pick one even if it’s broad to start with. It makes your marketing so much easier. That will leverage your time.

And if you already have a target market, and you have a successful product for that target market, how might you slant it to offer to a second market with little additional effort on your part?

(Watch for Part 4 in this series next week…)

I’d love to know which one of these leveraging tips resonates the most with you – share with me below…

5 Fast and Easy Ways to Leverage Your Time and Talent Series: Part 2 of 4


People ask me all the time how I’ve managed to create a 6-figure+ business while only working about 15 hours a week. First, I had to build a solid foundation and set up systems that would support the business as it grew, systems that were either automated or delegated or easily repeatable.

Once I had the foundation and the beginning systems in place, I was constantly looking for ways to leverage my time and talent, and I still do. I could write a book on the many ways we do this in my business (and maybe I will someday) but in this 4-part series, I’m going to share with you some of the most effective ones that you can apply to your business today.

1. Use Google Alerts

Part of using leverage in your business to by being aware of what’s going on out there that has to do with you. Lucky us, we have Google to keep us informed.

Simply set up a Google Alert for your name and the name of your business. You can also set up alerts for specific keywords in your business and for your colleagues. And you should set up alerts for your clients as well. You want to know what your clients are doing. If you see them doing something great you can say, “Yay.” You can also say, “You might want to try something else.”

Letting Google keep you informed of what’s going on in your online world is a great way to leverage your time.

2. Leverage your content

I teach a whole 12-part content leverage system, but you want to at least be leveraging any piece of content you write for your ezine or your blog.

So, if you’re writing an article for your ezine, make sure it goes on your blog. If you’re writing a blog post make sure at least part of it goes in your e-zine. People will read your content in different ways. They’ll read it in your e-zine in their inbox, or on your blog site – or via an RSS feed from your blog to your inbox.

Those are just two ways. Other ways are to turn that content into a podcast, a video, and social media posts, and promote them via those media.

3. Create an email campaign from your sales page

When you’ve created the sales page for your offer, you’ll need to create an e-mail campaign to promote it and your offer.

You’ve done the hard part of writing the sales page itself, even if it’s a short sales page. To leverage that hard work, take pieces of that sales page and repurpose them into your email campaign.

I know we sometimes think we have to do everything fresh and new from scratch. You do not have to do that. Take pieces from what you’ve already written and plug that into your e- mail promotions. Take something from the top. Take a piece of your story. Take the benefit bullets. Tweak them a bit and put them into your emails.

4. Do your ezine differently

If you’re writing an ezine and it’s in HTML and you find that it feels heavy, you’re not getting it done, it takes too much effort, it feels too complicated or you don’t have someone helping you do it then change to text.

Make it easy for yourself. If you struggle with HTML then creating an e-zine that way only translates into lost time and wasted energy.

If you need to do text until you’re ready to hire someone to help you do something prettier then just do text. I promise it won’t hurt you.

Also, if the ezine is just too long, you can make them short.
You don’t need to have seven moving parts. It’s more important that you’re consistent with sending it out on a weekly or twice a month. You can send them once a month if that’s correct for your market. That is more important than having them long.

Do text. Keep it short. Be more consistent about sending it out.

5. Repeat what works

I talk about this a lot. Sometimes it seems obvious. People often don’t do this. We’re too close to it. We can’t see it. That’s why you need other eyes. We get excited about new ideas and keeping things fresh. There’s nothing wrong with that. But don’t forget to review what you’ve done before that worked really well and repeat it.

(Watch for Part 3 in this series next week…)

Fast and Easy Ways to Leverage Your Time and Talent Series: Part 1 of 4


People ask me all the time how I’ve managed to create a 6-figure+ business while only working about 15 hours a week. First, I had to build a solid foundation and set up systems that would support the business as it grew, systems that were either automated or delegated or easily repeatable.

Once I had the foundation and the beginning systems in place, I was constantly looking for ways to leverage my time and talent, and I still do. I could write a book on the many ways we do this in my business (and maybe I will someday) but in this 4-part series, I’m going to share with you some of the most effective ones that you can apply to your business today.

1. Is there something that’s happening in your market that’s got a buzz around it that you can take advantage of?

One of the ways to increase your exposure easily and more quickly is to seek out something in the news that applies to your market that you can ride on the coattails of.

Read the headlines of the New York Times or the Huffington Post for ideas. It can be something that you’re excited about in your industry. It can be something that you totally disagree with. It can be either end of the spectrum and it should be because either end is better than the middle.

For example, maybe there’s a book that was written that’s really hot right now. It addresses some of the problems that your market is struggling with that you help solve. You can piggyback on the popularity of the book simply by saying, “You’ve probably heard all of the raves and praise about this book. Here are my thoughts.”

You can either agree or contradict, and you can write or speak about it, whichever is your preferred modality. Doing this will help you stand out, you’ll get search engine rankings, and it could get you other media attention as well.

2. Get emotional when you’re writing your marketing copy.

If you can write passionately about what it is that you’re putting out there in the world then that’s fantastic. You should put energy, enthusiasm and passion into your overall marketing copy.

And that’s even more important when you’re telling your story. Telling your story is a critical piece to creating copy that sells. If you can write from a place of depth and passion about your story, then just sit down and write. Don’t try to get it perfect, don’t try to follow some copywriting formula, just write from your emotions, knowing you can always hone it. You can always make it more clear and concise. And you will.

If you get emotional about your marketing copy then three things will happen. It will draw your reader in and engage them. It will make it much easier for you to write if you’re emotional about it. And you’ll get more sales because emotion is what sells.

3. Put all your passwords in one place.

This was a time waster for me. All of my passwords were everywhere, on whatever little scrap of paper was near me at the time I made it. At one point I chose the same password for everything, which is not recommended.
Then I found this great little product that I’ve fallen in love with. It’s a cute little pocket-sized notebook that I keep in the middle drawer of my desk. It’s called the password keeper.… $13-

This is something so simple and yet I know that most people don’t keep all their passwords in one place, like on a single piece of paper, or in something like the password keeper.

Just don’t keep them on your computer. Your computer can crash or get hacked and your passwords can get hijacked. This simple idea will save you tons of time when you’re looking for your passwords.

4. Create a web page with all your log-in links and info.

Another time waster is trying to locate the log-in pages for the places online you utilize in your business. You can bookmark those pages, or set up tabs so they automatically open when you first connect with your browser, but that’s not an efficient way to run your computer, especially if you’re on battery power as when you’re traveling.

When I first did this it was a hidden webpage. It wasn’t password protected, but it was just a gobbledygook webpage attached to my main site. I had all of URLS of the sites I used regularly in my business on that page, so I could just click on AudioAcrobat, Aweber, 1ShoppingCart, NING sites I was a host or member of, etc. whenever I needed access to those sites. (The username and passwords were in my password keeper.) This page was one of the few pages I had set to open up as soon as I logged into my computer.

Then we moved everything to #5…

5. Create a wiki for your log-ins, your SOPs and more

As the business grew, the information we needed to run it grew and we needed a way and a place to organize it. I wanted it to be secure, easy to use, inexpensive and a place where my team could access the information as well.

And although I’ve tried a few paid services, we started with a wiki and returned to the wiki because it met all of those criteria – and it’s free (we use Google’s wiki).

A wiki is simply a place online where we keep all the info we need to run my business. All of the log-in URLs are there, all of our standard operating procedures are there, all the processes for how the business runs is housed in this one location online.

You simply create a table of contents and under each ‘chapter’ is where you put the info for it. It couldn’t be easier to organize all of your info and processes for your business.

Using the wiki saves a ton of time and money in my business. My team has access to the wiki to get the information they need instead of asking me for it. When we have a new team member come on board, we just point them to the wiki to find what they need to do the task they’ve been assigned. When I’m looking for something, I can just log into the wiki for it, instead of playing email tag with my team to get the info.

(Watch for Part 2 in this series next week…)

I’d love to know which one of these leveraging tips resonates the most with you – share with me below…