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What To Do When Your Best Laid Plans Go Awry…


If you’re running your own business, you’re going to have days, weeks, even months, when Life Interrupts and shifts all of your best laid plans.

Of course, the beauty of being your own boss is that you have a great amount of freedom and flexibility, so how do you roll with it when all those plans go awry?

Here are 3 simple ways to ride it out with as much ease and grace as possible:

1. Let Go

Planned on getting that sales page done? Wanted to finish writing those final chapters of your book? Hoped to attend a networking event? Set up to shoot that video series? Write your new free taste? Offer a new program?

But then Life threw a wrench into your plans and so nothing happened. A child or a parent is sick and needs you, your computer died, you got the flu, your child is having trouble in school, you’ve had a fight with a loved one, or some other emotional or physical upheaval has occurred.

I’m a planner, and I’ve learned, especially once I had the kids, that things don’t often go to plan. And if I don’t want to be frustrated and stressed, then I need to be flexible and patient (and yes, that’s still hard sometimes).

The only thing you can do when your heart, mind and energy is needed elsewhere is to go with it.

Let go of the plan and go where you are needed.

2. The ‘One Thing’ Rule

I want to share with you one of my secrets to my enduring success that you can apply when your plan gets knocked off-track or you find yourself with little time to work on your business.

Ask yourself this one simple question:

What’s the ONE THING I can do today to move my business forward?

When you simply don’t have the capacity or the time to work your plan, there is often one thing that you can do that will make you feel that you accomplished something in that day, which will help to fortify you moving forward.

3. Get support

Of course, sailing more smoothly through troubled waters requires support – family, friend, colleague, mentor, and business assistant support.

When Life is tumultuous, reach out for the support you need to help you through. Whether it’s a shoulder to lean on, a vent session, an emergency call, or adding another team member – reach out and support yourself by asking for whatever kind of help you need.

And remember, tomorrow is another day. 🙂

I’d love to hear your thoughts on this – share them with me below…

7 Biz Must Do’s for 2019

YAY! You’re registered for Alicia’s free tele+chat:


7 Must-Do’s to Create More Time, Money & Impact in 2019

Wednesday, December 19 at 12pm Eastern
Via conference line + Facebook Chat

Conference line: 712-770-4160
Participant ID: 460259#

We’ll also follow up by email with more details. 🙂

Questions? Happy to help! Email