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Christmas 2006

Familyxmasphoto2sm What a wonderful holiday we had… 🙂 Santa was very generous (as was a certain elf who brought me a gorgeous diamond bracelet). Here are a few of my favorite photos of the day, from the stockings to tossing the magic reindeer feed off the back deck (we do have lots of deer in the woods next to our house that we look for with Chloe each day, so she was more excited about this than putting out the cookies and milk for Santa :)) to catching the bubbles she loves so much to the sheer joy of her first Sit ‘N Spin!

Stockingsandtoys Withsally Withhoop Sitandspinbiggrin

Openinggift Feedingreindeer5 Cutesnowsuit Chloe2_1 Catchingbubbles2 Chloexmasphoto

Joint Ventures 101

Do you know that one of the best ways to build a successful online business quickly is through joint ventures?

I know this concept can bit a bit hard to grasp to those of us who like being a lone ranger (kind of one of the common traits of being an entrepreneur, right?). But I hope you’ll join me as I more fully embrace the "no one reaches success alone" philosophy myself.

To begin, what exactly is a joint venture?


Joint Ventures 101

I just finished writing an article about joint ventures for my ezine, Creating Client Abundance, and I’d love to hear about successful joint ventures you’ve done already, and/or your comments or thoughts about teaming up with other like-minded colleagues.

Feel free to share them with me by clicking the comments link below.

Oh, and you can read the article under the Business-Building Articles link on the left <<<——– 🙂

All dolled up…

It was so nice to get dressed up and spend an evening out with my love… and Chloe enjoyed a fun evening with her grandparents, too 🙂Wpparty2_1

I’m so excited for Santa to come this year… His list for Chloe is overflowing, but who cares – Christmas was always a big deal for me growing up and I want the same for her… 🙂

Speaking of, her grandparents just arrived with a carload of gifts to put under the tree… !!