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Back-to-School Business Bundle Sale!

Just dropped Jack off for his first day of 3rd grade – woohoo! And since Chloe started 6th grade yesterday, it’s back to business for me – and my Back-to-School Business Bundle for you!
Take a look at it here:
Here are just 5 of the 32 trainings you’ll have instant access to:
1. How to Prioritize All You Do
Overwhelmed? Confused? Immobilized by the sheer number of items on your to-do list? You are not alone. It’s the entrepreneur’s trap and this is the training call that will free you.
(this is one of my all-time favorites)
2. The Simple 7-Step Autoresponder Sales Sequence
In this training call, Alicia will teach you how to write a quick autoresponder email series that sells a product or service on autopilot.
(one of clients implemented this right away and saw instant sales – and she was amazed at how a simple it was!)
3. Advanced Signature System
Got your Signature System outlined? Alicia’s going to show you what to do next with it, and how to create additional revenue streams from it, quickly and easily.
(This is HOW my business passed the 6-figure mark and then the million-dollar mark)
4. 22 Ways to Instantly Boost Your Sales Page Conversion
Want to get more sales from your current and future sales pages? In this training, Alicia will share 22 easy ways to make sure your conversions are as high as they can be.
(another checklist-style training to be certain you’re not leaving money on the table!)
5. How to Multi-Purpose Your Content
Following my Content Leverage Flow Chart, we’ll work together on implementing each piece that makes sense for your business so you can finally start drawing more people to you.
(I teach this process in-depth at both my annual Online Business Breakthrough Workshop as well as at my Gather Your Clan workshop – but you can get it right now – this one alone is worth your tiny investment).
If you want to build your lifestyle business (yes, that kind of business that puts your LIFE first – letting you focus time, energy and money on what’s truly most important to you), you’ll get 32 of my most effective programs for just $97-.
These trainings are comprehensive step-by-step trainings and were only available to private clients who invested $2k or more to learn what you have immediate access to below for a fraction of that.
This offer is good only until Friday, September 9 so don’t delay, ok?