I can’t believe it’s been a week since I posted last…time really is flying now that Chloe is a little older and much more interested in EVERYTHING. I really have to keep my eye on her! But it’s not hard when she’s so damn cute…
It was a really good business week, too: I finished up a 4-week workgroup about listbuilding that really helped spur my efforts in that area. In a month, I’ve had more people subscribe to my ezine than I have in two years of my previous ezine. Very cool. Now I’ve just got to keep the momentum going… My goal is 1000 readers by next summer, so if you know a coach, consultant, online entrepreneur or other solo pro who wants to get more clients, create profit-making products and services, and make more money, please send them to http://www.clientabundance.com. Thanks!
I also am in the thick of Ali Brown’s latest marketing workshop which is FABULOUS. This lady rocks. I want to be just like her… π
And I’m seeing my vision really clearly of where all of this is headed… and I’m so excited. Thanks so much for coming along for the ride!
I was afraid Chloe had a deer tick on her yesterday – those suckers are so tiny it’s hard to tell – but the dr. checked her out and she thinks she’s fine, thankfully. We live in an area of the country were Lyme disease is prevelant, and our home is on the edge of a wood filled with deer, so I was concerned.
I never knew what true worry was until I became a mom. But as much as it’s exhausting, it also helps put some other things into perspective. She is a happy, healthy baby girl… and for that I am very grateful.
Her grandparents are coming to see her today… She gets very excited when she sees them – it’s really sweet.
I love Sunday mornings. Why? Because James plays with Chloe while I enjoy a leisurely cup of coffee while putting the finishing touches on my ezine before sending it out. (click here if you’d like a copy).
But I also love it because the way our house is designed, my office is in sort of a loft, so I can hear them playing together… and it just makes me so happy when I hear Chloe in an absolute fit of giggles because her daddy is being silly. It’s simply the best sound. π
So my ezine is sent, my coffee mug is empty, so I’m off to join them, and to enjoy this spectactular day here in NY.
It’s 8am, 80 degress, and muggy yet again in my corner of the world. It’s been a great summer as far as the weather goes, but I am soooooo ready for cooler temperatures, apple picking, and sweaters!
Today is our little village’s annual Harvest Festival, so James, Chloe and I will be taking a stroll down to the village square this afternoon to enjoy it. Our neighbor runs the entire production, so we go each year to show our support for all her hard work, and because it’s actually very cute and fun. Kinda a Gilmore Girls-Stars Hollow event (the only show besides The Apprentice I watch with any regularity).
Then tomorrow we’re going to the Irish Heritage Festival in the village next door, which I am really looking forward to. Chloe loves music and dancing, and I think she’s really going to enjoy the Irish music and maybe even watching the dancers. James and I celebrated one New Year’s in Ireland (here I am at the Guinness Brewery in Dublin), which was amazing, and we just can’t wait to take Chloe when she’s a wee bit older. π
My husband and I (and now Chloe, it seems… π are big football fans… (my first cocktail after being pregnant and having Chloe was last SuperBowl Sunday – a Sierra Nevada never tasted so good…!), and I think we are both such big fans for two reasons:
1. We simply enjoy the game, and
2. We both use the time while "watching" the game to do other things – mainly to work on our individual projects.
Obviously this has changed a bit with the arrival of Chloe, but she’s pretty good about entertaining herself for a bit now, or hanging out on the floor with one or the other of us while playing with her toys.
I think it just makes us feel that we are doing something together while getting some other stuff done at the same time – a win-win.
I used to hate Sudays (especially when I worked for someone else and had the Sunday Night Dreads), but now they are my favorite day of the week… π
Go Pats! (you can take the girl out of New England… :))
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