Hey there, I’m Alicia.
And yes, I love enjoying a cold IPA outside in the fall – or anytime of year.
1970: Born on Easter Sunday, in the middle of a snowstorm (what’s that they say? How you enter the world is how your life goes?)
1975: Started school and never stopped
1981/2: Got placed in the gifted class and got to go to a different school one day a week (which I LOVED)
1982: 7th grade – recognized by John Hopkins for scoring higher than the average college-bound senior on the SAT
1983: Discovered my love of outdoor adventures (and made a lifelong friend)
1988-1992: College. ‘Nuf said.
1992: First job, lasted 9 months, went back to school
1993: Second job, lasted 9 months, went back to school
1994: Third job, lasted 9 months, went back to school
1996: Made the wrong life decision; worked three jobs while trying to sort myself out
1998: Found the PERFECT job, lasted 22 months, but got my MBA
January 2001: Got “downsized” (read: fired) from my pr/marketing job and became a full-time entrepreneur as a business and marketing coach
2001–2024: Grew a multi-6-figure coaching business
1999: Met THE guy
2003: Married THE guy
2005: Enter Little #1
2007: Enter Little #2
~ LIFE ~
2014: Published business book
2024: Finally decided to follow my passion and write my stories