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What’s Your Biggest Challenge with Planning in Your Business?

Hey Alicia, I need your help… 🙂

By popular request, I’m putting together a
‘strategic planning day’ for you to help you
suss out 2013, and I need to know your
biggest questions about it.

If you would take a moment to CLICK HERE
and answer my question…

“What’s your biggest challenge with planning
in your business?”

…I would really appreciate it. 🙂

(And if you do, we’ll put your name in the hat
to win a free spot in this virtual retreat!)

I’ll be answering as many of your questions as
I can on my blog, so be sure to CLICK HERE
to send me your single biggest challenge so I can
help you solve it… 🙂

Thanks so much!

Taking Stock and Looking Ahead

As 2012 comes to a close, I’m wondering how you’re feeling about this past year and what your expectations are for 2013. If you’re inclined to share, please leave your comments below… 🙂

3 Aha Moments from Attending Impact & Influence

I love attending live events, for the learning, networking and most of all, for those ‘aha moments’ that always pop. I choose to attend very few events each year, so I’m always very cognizant of getting a big return on my investment of time, energy and money. Attending Lisa Sasevich’s Impact & Influence event didn’t disappoint.

Here are three of those aha moments I had from attending I&I that I hope you’ll find of value too:

1. In terms of money, you can only receive what you allow yourself to receive.

So consider how that may play out in your own sense of worth, in both the level at which you invest in yourself as well as the level at which you ask others to invest in you.

For example, if you invest in a $2500- program, are you asking your market to invest in a $2500- program with you?

On the other, more common, hand, are you asking your market to invest in you at a price point that you’re not willing to invest in for yourself?

Where in your business might there be this incongruence?

2. When you feel like you need to add another element to a program (to ‘justify’ a higher price), add more transformation instead.

You may have heard me say before that people buy based on emotion, not necessarily on logic.

When you’re writing your copy for your offer or speaking about your offer, you want to spend 90% of your words on the transformation that people will get as a result of engaging your services.

You can think of it as the transformation, or the outcomes, or the benefits, that someone will receive as result of being in your program, buying your product or siging on to work with you one-on-one.

3. “I already know that…”

Whenever I attend an event, I make the effort to pay attention as if everything was new, which enables me to see the holes that are present in my business. And when I find that “I already know that…” I ask myself, “Am I doing that?”

From this event, it was evident to me that yes, I have all the pieces working that were covered at the event; now it’s time to up-the-ante on them all.

Where can you up-the-ante on one thing that’s already working well in your business?

I’d love your thoughts on any of the above – feel free to leave them below…

How to Handle CopyCats


Ever have someone copy your idea, your sales page, your emails, or anything else you’ve created in your business?

Yeah, it’s not a good feeling.

Yeah, yeah – I know that ‘imitation is the sincerest form of flattery’ and that we’re all of ‘one mind’ and all that, but really? There is a line that no one should cross.

I’ve dealt with this on numerous occasions in my own business (frankly dealing with it now with someone who certainly doesn’t need to copy me – who has an extremely successful business already so I know that it’s about something else entirely) and while sometimes it is easier and ok to just let it go, other times it’s not.

So what do you do when you feel compelled to do something about it?

Here are 4 ways of dealing with copycats:

1. Vent

First, get on the line with a business best friend and have a good vent about it. You need to get it out of your system before you can approach the copycat from a place where you’re more likely to have the situation resolved.

2. Call them on it personally

I like to contact people personally first, and give them a chance to make things right. I don’t have my assistant do this – I reach out myself usually via email, with a gracious note that I’ve noticed something they are doing is very similar to mine and I wanted to point that out – that I wouldn’t want their people thinking they’re copying me.

In one case, the person in question immediately responded with a gracious note back, offering that she was ‘modeling’ me and others and told me she would make changes to the page in question and send it to me for approval. She did and I was satisfied with the changes she made and all was well.

If it doesn’t go that way then…

3. Call them on it officially

Get your attorney involved and send them a ‘cease and desist’ letter. That will usually do the trick.

4. Move on

Once you’ve handled it either personally or officially, move on. Don’t hold a grudge against the person, just let it go. It’s not worth any more of your energy or emotion and recognize that the reason behind the copying has nothing to do with you. And then use the situation to be even more creative in your own endeavors going forward.

I’d love to know your thoughts on copycats – share with me below…