When Doing Less IS More in Your Business

Are you working too hard in your business? If you’re an entrepreneur, you probably are, especially if you’re in the early stages of your business building. And you’re not alone.

Here’s an example from my own client files:

I was recently working with a client who was a real go-getter, very serious about being in business for herself, and marketing only to a more affluent clientele. She wanted to increase her reach into that market online. And she was considering adding article marketing to her mix.


5 Easy Ways to Always Give Your Niche Something New

"Do I always have to come up with something new?"

This is a question I get asked often by my private clients, and the answer is a resounding YES, if you want to continue to grow your business.

Besides boring your target market after awhile, you’d get bored, too, so yes, you want to breath some life into your business by consistently coming up with new offers. This helps keep your list interested, and it helps you stay cutting edge in your market.

Here are 5 easy ways for getting and staying hot in your market:


What’s Your CFO (Compelling Free Offer)?

One of the reasons I love the business model I teach is because it effortlessly PULLS clients to me. I never have to chase them or worry about having as full a roaster as I want. The first step in making this happen is creating what I call your CFO – Compelling F.r.e.e. Offer. The problem is that very few solo-preneurs actually utilize this simple method of attracting all the clients they want.

Your Compelling F.r.e.e. Offer (CFO) is what entices people to want to find out more about you and what it is that you’re offering. When you make your complimentary offer compelling enough, more people will be interested in taking advantage of it, which increase the audience to which you can then market to.

Your CFO can be packaged in a variety of ways: a mini e-course, a checklist, a CD, an audio download, a special report, a free teleseminar, etc. I offer a few different CFOs – a mini ecourse, an audio download, and for joint ventures I offer one of my paid products for free as a bonus to their paid offering.


Who Are Your People (aka Your Niche)?

Are you afraid to choose a niche for your product or service? Are you afraid that you’ll be limiting your business if you narrow your niche down too much? If you answered yes to either of those questions, you are not alone. Lots of new business owners struggle with this issue. All you want to do is give your gifts to the world, and making decisions that make you feel as though you are saying "no" to a segment of the world may not feel right to you. But by choosing to focus on a certain segment of the population, you are ensuring that your work actually gets out there, and you will be astounded at what does come your way.

So don’t be concerned that you’re going to cut yourself off from other opportunities, or that you’re going to limit your success by focusing on a smaller segment of the population. The opposite is actually true. When you focus your efforts:


Leverage Your Time & Talent to Help More People & Make More Money

When I first went into business for myself seven years ago as a marketing and public relations consultant, I struggled with setting my fees. Even though I had been making a good salary working for someone else in this capacity, at first I found it difficult to set my fees at what they truly were worth.

Then I learned about "dollarizing" (a topic for another article) and about looking at the results that I was creating for my clients. I also had to build my confidence and comfortability in telling prospective clients what my fees were without stammering… 🙂

I don’t struggle with this anymore, for a few reasons. One reason is because I KNOW what a difference I can and do make in my client’s business. And another reason is that I have loads of clients, past and present, who continue to TELL me what a difference I’ve made for them in their business. Both of these have helped to build my confidence and comfortability factors in setting my rates.
