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Plant, Nuture & Grow Your Money Tree: 6 Focus Points to Create the Consistent Cash Flow You Crave

Hey there, it’s Alicia…alicia_02sm

I wanted to share something with you that came out of my recent Online Business Breakthrough Workshop…

Through all the laughter, and all the tears (and all the laughter-through-tears ;-) ), one thing became painfully obvious.

Deep down, too many of you are afraid you’ll never create what you dream of – not with your business, not with your life.

And well, I just won’t have that… ;-)

And I have some good news to share.

We have a tendency to make things far more difficult than they need to be. But that’s not your fault. There are just some critical things you don’t know yet – ways that you can make decisions, set up systems, follow a proven path, leverage what you already have and know – which will remove the strain and the struggle. Once you know these things, all that struggle will end. For good.


There’s cutting-edge and powerful information that I will share with you so you get the real results you want – far more easily and far more quickly than you could on your own.

When it became a lot harder to gain traction and create income online these last few years (especially for newer business owners), I became determined to figure out what WAS working, and I’ve stayed on the cutting edge of those proven and successful strategies ever since.

I’m going to be sharing with you what I know in a brand-new complimentary LIVECAST coming up in May 2014.

For the past decade, I’ve grown my $15k a year coaching practice into a multiple 6-figure business in less than 15 hours a week, while raising two small children, by staying nimble in my market and on top of what’s working right now. I’ll be sharing exactly how I’ve done it in this BRAND-NEW livestream event – and you can attend FREE as my guest.

When you join me for this event you’ll learn:treeBW

  • 3 founding principles that have been the critical factors in enabling me to create a multiple 6-figure business while only working about 15 hours a week.
  • My Planned Profit Path™ with its 6 Focus Points that will deliver to you the consistent cash flow you desperately desire for the peace of mind you crave.
  • Two simple yet powerful visuals – including your Money Tree – that alleviate overwhelm and give you a clear path that shows you exactly what to focus on that will bring you to profit sooner. (Get your markers or colored pencils ready!)
  • And more, including recent case studies and examples of clients who’ve successfully followed this path, as well as exercises to help you do the same right away.

When you attend this event and receive what I’ll be sharing with you for building a successful and sustainable business online, in your time on your terms, you’ll find that doing so can actually be quite a bit easier – if you let it.

If you’ve been on a complimentary call with me before, you know you’ll be getting 100% content, no hype, and actions steps to move you forward right away. If you haven’t, now you know what to expect. :-)

Just GO HERE to reserve your complimentary seat.


Alicia Forest, MBA
The Business Shifter™

PS: I’d be honored if you shared this page with your friends and colleagues – and thanks in advance for your trust!

Online Business Breakthrough Workshop 2013 – September 16-18, 2013

Join acclaimed entrepreneur mentor Alicia Forest for an intimate workshop experience this fall to design or re-design your successful and sustainable business around your life and the things that are the most important to you.

For Alicia, it’s all about Family First. Even before she started a family with her husband James, Alicia knew that she wanted to be home to raise any future children they may have. And she also wanted to build a successful and sustainable business of her own to contribute to the financial wealth and health of her family.

Her first coaching business, Client Abundance, was launched in 2005, the same year she gave birth to her daughter Chloe, followed two years later by the birth of her son, Jackson. In that time, Alicia grew her coaching business to 6 figures while only working 8-15 hours a week and keeping her two small children first.

Today, Alicia enjoys a multiple 6-figure business while still only averaging a 15-hour workweek, taking 14 weeks vacation per year, including 11+ weeks in the summer off, when she, James, Chloe and Jack enjoy their lake home.

This is Alicia’s version of designing a business around your life. What’s yours?

And would you like help in designing it successfully?

That’s what OBBW is all about – and Alicia purposefully limits the number of attendees to a maximum of 50 so she can give personalized attention, coaching, support, and feedback – along with a dose of reality and humor – to every person in the room.

Alicia’s events, programs, and coaching have helped thousands of women (and some men too) create, redesign, or expand their businesses to dramatically increase their incomes – and often while working less than before.

OBBW is a unique event designed for both seasoned and new business owners alike that delivers an exclusive combination of insight, cutting-edge information, and business formulas and models that are tailored to the individual business owners message, market and mission.

Get the full scoop and register at:

Summer Sale! 50% off my bestselling 21 Easy & Essential Steps to Online Success System – 1 Week Only

{Summer Special} Here’s a special opportunity to create (or strengthen) the critical foundation of your online business so you can create the same kind of FREEDOM I have in my business…

For ONE WEEK only, you can get my bestselling 21 Easy & Essential Steps to Online Success System™ for 50% off.

Just visit the link below for all the details:

This System is TRULY the secret to my success – as it has been for thousands of others as well. I’m confident it will be for you too.

(Just so you know, you won’t see the 50% discount until you click the ORDER NOW button which will take you to the check out page where the 50% off price will be reflected. No coupon code needed!)


I’m really enjoying Making Your Creative Mark by Eric Maisel – and you know I love ‘chunked’ info so here’s an except I have permission to share with you… Enjoy!

By Eric Maisel

If you want to live a creative life and make your mark in some competitive art field like writing, film-making, the visual arts, or music, and if at the same time you want to live an emotionally healthy life full of love and satisfaction, you need an intimate understanding of certain key ideas and how they relate to the creative process.

One key idea is that you must act confidently whether or not you feel confident. You need to manifest confidence in every stage of the creative process if you want to get your creative work accomplished. Here’s what confidence looks like throughout the creative process.

Stage 1. Wishing

‘Wishing’ is a pre-contemplation stage where you haven’t really decided that you intend to create. You dabble at making art, you don’t find your efforts very satisfying, and you don’t feel that you go deep all that often. The confidence that you need to manifest during this stage of the process is the confidence that you are equal to the rigors of creating. If you don’t confidently accept the reality of process and the reality of difficulty you may never really get started.

Stage 2. Incubation/Contemplation

During this second stage of the process you need to be able to remain open to what wants to come rather than defensively settling on a first idea or an easy idea. The task is remaining open and not settling for something that relieves your anxiety and your discomfort. The confidence needed here is the confidence to stay open.

Stage 3. Choosing Your Next Subject

Choosing is a crucial part of the creative process. At some point you need the confidence to say, “I am ready to work on this.”  You need the confidence to name a project clearly (even if that naming is “Now I go to the blank canvas without a pre-conceived idea and just start”), to commit to it, and to make sure that you aren’t leaking confidence even as you choose this project.

Stage 4. Starting Your Work

When you start a new creative work you start with certain ideas for the work, certain hopes and enthusiasms, certain doubts and fears – that is, you start with an array of thoughts and feelings, some positive and some negative. The confidence you need at that moment is the confidence that you can weather all those thoughts and feelings and the confidence to go into the unknown.

Stage 5. Working

Once you are actually working on your creative project, you enter into the long process of fits and starts, ups and downs, excellent moments and terrible moments – the gamut of human experiences that attach to real work. For this stage you need the confidence that you can deal with your own doubts and resistances and the confidence that you can handle whatever the work throws at you.

Stage 6. Completing

At some point you will be near completing the work. It is often hard to complete what we start because then we are obliged to appraise it, learn if it is good or bad, deal with the rigors of showing and selling, and so on. The confidence required during this stage is the confidence to weather the very ideas of appraisal, criticism, rejection, disappointment and everything else that we fear may be coming once we announce that the work is done.

Stage 7. Showing

A time comes when we are obliged to show our work. The confidence needed here is not only the confidence to weather the ideas of appraisal, criticism, and rejection but the confidence to weather the reality of appraisal, criticism, and rejection. Like so many other manifestations of confidence, the basic confidence here sounds like “Bring it on!” You are agreeing to let the world do its thing and announcing that you can survive any blows that the world delivers.

Stage 8. Selling

A confident seller can negotiate, think on her feet, make pitches and presentations, advocate for her work, explain why her work is wanted, and so on. You don’t have to be over-confident, exuberant, over the top – you simply need to get yourself to the place of being a calmly confident seller, someone who first makes a thing and then sells it in a business-like manner.

Stage 9: New Incubation and Contemplation

While you are showing and selling your completed works you are also incubating and contemplating new projects and starting the process all over again. The confidence required here is the confident belief that you have more good ideas in you. You want to confidently assert that you have plenty more to say and plenty more to do – even if you don’t know what that “something” is quite yet.

Stage 10: Simultaneous and Shifting States and Stages

I’ve made the creative process sound rather neat and linear and usually it is anything but. Often we are stalled on one thing, contemplating another thing, trying to sell a third thing, and so on. The confidence needed throughout the process is the quiet, confident belief that you can stay organized, successfully handle all of the thoughts and feelings going on inside of you, get your work done, and manage everything. This is a juggler’s confidence—it is you announcing, “You bet that I can keep all of these balls in the air!”

Manifest confidence throughout the creative process. Failing to manifest confidence at any stage will stall the process. It isn’t easy living the artist’s life: the work is taxing, the shadows of your personality interfere, and the art marketplace if fiercely competitive. If you learn some key ideas, for instance that you must act confidently whether or not you feel confident, you give yourself the best chance possible for a productive and rewarding life in the arts.

Eric Maisel is the author of Making Your Creative Mark and twenty other creativity titles including Mastering Creative Anxiety, Brainstorm, Creativity for Life, and Coaching the Artist Within. America’s foremost creativity coach, he is widely known as a creativity expert who coaches individuals and trains creativity coaches through workshops and keynotes nationally and internationally. He has blogs on the Huffington Post and Psychology Today and writes a column for Professional Artist Magazine. Visit him online at

Adapted from the new book Making Your Creative Mark ©2013 by Eric Maisel.  Published with permission of New World Library

Upon Arrival, Proceed to Baggage Claim

I’m loving Renée Peterson Trudeau’s new book Nurturing the Soul of Your Family, and this passage in particular really resonated with me… enjoy!

Upon Arrival, Proceed to Baggage Claim
An Excerpt from Nurturing the Soul of Your Family

Relationships of all types can be challenging. In particular, family members, partners, and children often develop a sixth sense for how to push our buttons. For myself, to become less reactive, I’ve had to slowly become more self-aware, compassionate, loving toward myself, and attuned to my needs — which has made me a much more emotionally present parent and partner.

Some of the keys are to show up in our relationships with a soft and open heart, a healthy perspective, and a full cup rather than a half-empty one. Before we can do that, however, we have to examine ourselves: we have to release and heal old self-limiting beliefs by understanding what we’re holding on to and why.

We all have emotional baggage. Ever heard the phrase “the issues are in the tissues”? Our beliefs, scars, and old patterns from our family lineage, childhood, culture, education, and birth order all significantly affect our worldview and habitual ways of being. These, in turn, guide how we show up and relate to our family members.

Some days we get easily triggered. Maybe our child not putting their dirty clothes in the laundry room sends us over the edge, while other days they could break the front door and we’d just roll with it. Our state of being has the most impact on how we respond to external circumstances. Some days we receive the gift of observing when we’re stuck in an old pattern or way of seeing things, and other times we just feel stuck, or else constantly critical or judgmental, thinking of our partner or children: “If they’d just listen to me, we’d all be happier!”

When this happens, look inward to see if you have any unclaimed baggage. For instance, when my son, Jonah, was about to turn ten, he and I went through a really difficult patch. He’s a beautiful, passionate, mature, intense kid, and as he reached adolescence, his level of defiance at times overwhelmed me. A simple request to finish homework or put his dirty dishes in the sink could invoke an emotional tsunami. Since I have a tendency to be controlling, our interactions were a Molotov cocktail.

After a particularly hard stretch involving lots of crying jags (mostly mine), I called Terri, a parent educator, and asked if my husband and I could see her for a session. I was exhausted from the stressful interchanges and needed help. After I explained our situation, Terri turned to me and gently shared, “You are going through mourning — Jonah is no longer a child. He’s an adolescent.” Terri went on to highlight some of the science around early-adolescent behavior  and how best to support my son; in short, offer love and acceptance, not solutions and tips for improvement. After that illuminating session, things got much easier in our home — not yellow-brick-road happy, but the crying and yelling diminished greatly.

In part, the improvement occurred because my husband and I tweaked our language and gave Jonah more freedom, but mostly things changed because my husband and I shifted ourselves internally. We realized we were holding unrealistic, supersized fears that were causing us to be overly critical; our heads had become filled with visions of our out-of-control nine-year-old turning into a sixteen-year-old heroin addict. We were “parenting from the future” and from our own fears and wounds, rather than from the present moment, which was what our son most needed. This aha moment and shift in our awareness are what created the big shift in our family dynamic that we needed. Often we have to break down in order to break through.

# # #

Life balance coach/speaker Renée Peterson Trudeau is the author of the new book Nurturing the Soul of Your Family.  Thousands of women in ten countries are participating in Personal Renewal Groups based on her first book, the award-winning The Mother’s Guide to Self-Renewal. Visit her online at


Excerpted from the new book Nurturing the Soul of Your Family ©2013 Renée Peterson Trudeau.  Published with permission of New World Library


Do you struggle with planning in your business?

I know that MANY of you struggle with planning in your business – and I did too…

…until the day arrived when I was so completely exhausted from jumping from the
frying pan into the fire and back again that I lost it (that was one of the two times I
seriously considered throwing in the towel on this whole being in business thing).

Once I collected myself , and recognized there was no way I was going to close
the doors on my business, I decided I had to do things differently going forward
if I ever wanted to not be overwhelmed and exhausted in running my business.

Is this resonating???

If so, I have more to share with you here…