I hope this finds you well in your world and enjoying your summer… 🙂
We’re having a blast at the lake and I’m so grateful for this business that enables me to enjoy this precious time each year with my family.
So this is a quick note to let you know that even though we’re still over three months away from my annual Online Business Breakthrough Workshop, we are already over 50% sold out – and we haven’t released the full workshop page until right now:
As always, I’m committed to this OBBW being the best one yet (we have many returning attendees (some for the 3rd, 4th, 5th and yes, even 6th time!)…
Like Lisa Braithwaite at coachlisab.com, who says…
“OBBW is my go-to business training resource. I’ll be going back for my fourth time this year. Why? Because Alicia‘s content continues to evolve as my business evolves. Every year my business is in a new place and I need new tools and different kinds of guidance. Alicia offers exactly what I need, at whatever level I’m at. In addition, the friendships and business connections I’ve developed with the other attendees over the years have become priceless to me.”
We’d love to see you there too!
~ A
PS: The super-early-bird price is just $97- (and it will be flying away very soon ;-)). I’ll guess that you’ve invested at least that much in an info-product or a teleseminar program.
The Online Business Breakthrough Workshop is a full 3 day business-building workshop that is 100% content that’s 100% implementable (even if you don’t have one single team member yet) that meets you where you’re at – newbie or seasoned – in your business.
So if you’ve become jaded by events that are mostly rah-rah, tempting you with bits of information but not giving you the done-for-you templates, scripts, flow charts, processes, timelines, calendars and more resources to take you from where you are to where you want to be in your business and your life… you’ll be very pleasantly surprised by your experience at OBBW. That I know for sure.
We’re gearing up to start my brand-new Mastering Leverage in Your Business virtual training and online coaching course on April 1, and we’ve been getting some great questions about it that I thought you might have too…
Q: When are the classes and are they recorded?
A: The 8 modules are all pre-recorded and will be released every Monday during the course for you to listen to at your convenience. All the modules + materials will be downloadable for you to access in the way that is most useful to you.
Q: How will I get my questions answered/get support from you, Alicia?
A: The course includes a private Facebook group where you can post your questions and requests for support 24/7 and I will personally answer each one. You’ll also benefit from the wisdom and experience of the other participants in the course – we have an amazing group of entrepreneurs already on-board.
Q: Alicia, I’m new/seasoned in business – will this course be useful to me?
A: Yes! I teach in layers, so with each module I will give you the strategies to implement that are specific to where you are in your business-building path. For example, if you’re new, I’ll give you the strategies you should have in place first. Then once those are working for you, you can move on to adding the next strategies of the next layer, etc. If you’re more seasoned, you’ll make sure you have the first layer in place and then be able to add the strategies that are specific to your more advanced goals.
Q: Will implementing strategies from your course need to wait until the 8 weeks are complete, or will we have things we can work on right away?
You’ll be able to start implementing the strategies right away. Each week, we’ll cover one module on a specific pillar of your business (content, social media, website, etc.) and you’ll be encouraged to implement those strategies before the next module is released. So each week you’ll be taking action and moving forward.
Q: Will this course require me (or encourage me) to hire a bunch of outside resources to make the strategies work?
Not unless you want to. Everything in the program is do-it-yourself. And it’s everything I’ve done too – so I can personally answer any questions you have about doing it yourself.
Q: I know the course is just $197- but is there a payment plan option that would be easier for my cash flow?
A: Yes! Just choose the 2-pay option at checkout to join us for $99- today and then $99- in 30 days.
Q: Can I pay via PayPal?
A: Yes! Just send the $197- registration fee to alicia@clientabundance.com and then send us an email at support@aliciaforest.com letting us know (PayPal notifications don’t always make it to us!)
Q: What can we expect as an end result of the 8 weeks if we participate actively in the course, implement the strategies, and take your advice?
This course will ensure that you’re using leverage in every aspect of your business so you’ll never have to worry that you’re leaving money on the table, missing fruitful opportunities, or feel scattered and ineffective as a business owner anymore. If you implement the strategies, your business will grow more efficiently and quickly, you will create more consistent income with a lot less effort, and you’ll enjoy financial peace of mind.
Sound good?
Registration is open here…
And don’t forget, if you register by this Sunday, March 29 (my birthday ;-)), I’ll send you a complimentary signed copy of my book: 6 Simple Steps to 6 Figures – How to Create a Lifestyle Business Based on Your Passion for Serving Others as a thank you. 🙂
Just click here to reserve your spot…
Hope you’ll join us!
PS: Do you have any questions about the course that I didn’t answer here?
All questions – specific or vague – are welcomed and encouraged. Just comment below or email alicia@aliciaforest.com and I’m happy to personally respond to them.
Remember to register by March 29 so I can send you my book!
One of the ways my business had been successful over the years has been by repeating what’s worked. And then there comes a time when my market and I are ready for something fresh, something new to re-ignite the fires or to advance together into a new level of growth. This also helps keep your list interested, and it helps you stay cutting edge in your market.
Here are 5 easy ways for getting and staying hot in your market:
1. Be recognized…
Start showing up – in-person and/or virtually – at events that are offered for your target market. Throw your own events. Be seen on discussion lists and popular blogs where your target market hangs out. Join the conversation, offer your valuable insights and comments, ask good questions and give good answers. Joint venture with your colleagues and double your efforts with half the work. Join associations made up of your peers and volunteer to be on a committee or head up a project. There are loads of ways to build your recognition in your market. Pick a couple and start doing them NOW.
2. Be open to offering others’ products…
If you’ve hit a creative low point, there’s always the option of offering someone else’s product to your list. It’s still new and fresh material to them and a new offer for you to make. Make a list of five of your colleagues who each have a product offering that complements what it is that you do and start building a relationship with them now (if you don’t have one already), so when you want to offer their product, they’ve gotten to know you and your business a bit so they may be more willing to say yes to that kind of strategic alliance.
3. Be more ‘serviceable’…
Take a fresh look at your service offerings. Write down what they look like currently on one sheet of paper, including all the features and benefits. One a separate sheet of paper, write down how you’d like your services to look, including all the features and benefits. You might be surprised to find a real difference. Based on what you discover, consider repackaging your current offerings in a way that better suits you and your clients.
4. Be trendy…
Enter the conversation already going on in your client’s mind to spark new ideas. What are they reading, seeing on TV, involved in right now in their world? What current event or newsy item or popular TV show can you tie into your sales copy for your offerings that will keep it fresh and make stand out in an already crowded marketplace?
5. Be occasion-oriented
Tie a promotion into a holiday or special occasion. There’s hardly a week that goes by these days that doesn’t have some sort of celebration attached to it. Or you could make up your own. For example, January (New Year’s) and September (Back-to-School) are great months for launching new products, programs, or services that allow the client to do, be and have better.
If you want to keep your clients and customers, keep them interested. Consider offering something new, either in the way of a new product, program or services tailored to their wants or by tweaking your current offerings to keep them fresh and make them stand out in an already crowded marketplace.
I’d love to know which one of these 5 resonates with you the most. Please leave your comments below.
I’ve been spending a lot of time lately getting ready for the new year – planning, organizing, strategizing, visioning, and more. There are many transitions and transformations on the horizon for me and my business, and much to do to prepare for them, so I’m making space and opening the flow.
In Part 1 of this article, I shared 3 ways you can make space in your business. Now here are 3 more ways I’m opening the flow in my business that you can do too:
1. Escape Email Overwhelm
The number one distraction to moving your business forward by leaps instead of baby steps is email. So here’s my system for handling email overload. If you can practice this 80% of the time, you’ll be way ahead of the game.
a. Delete: scan and delete junk emails first
b. Move: move any emails into an appropriate folder – and create a rule to make that happen automatically
c. Delegate: delegate any emails that should be responded to by someone else
d. Respond: respond to any emails that only YOU can respond toThe goal is to only have emails in your inbox that require action from you!
2. Track your moneyOne of the easiest ways to open the flow of money in your business is to start tracking exactly how much comes in on a daily basis. I give each of my private clients a money tracking sheet that makes it super-simple for them to implement this tip, but you can create your own very easily.
Just create a simple form that lists the days of the month, with your monthly money goal listed as well. Each day fill in the amount of money that came into your business, and don’t forget to include affiliate payments and any other sources of revenue as well.
Just by paying attention to what’s coming in will open the flow to more, and before you know it, all the days of the month will be filled in with a number!
3. Don’t overbook
When putting together your master plan for the new year, make sure you don’t overbook yourself. If you do, you won’t leave space for other opportunities to show up that you likely aren’t aware of yet.
When I completed my own master plan for the new year, it was complete, but not overbooked. There was lots of time off, as well as space for other exciting possibilities to come up.
How are you making space and opening the flow for the new year? Please share your thoughts below…
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