In Part 1 of this article, I shared 3 ways you can make space in your business. Now here are 3 more ways I’m opening the flow in my business that you can do too:

b. Move: move any emails into an appropriate folder – and create a rule to make that happen automatically
c. Delegate: delegate any emails that should be responded to by someone else
d. Respond: respond to any emails that only YOU can respond toThe goal is to only have emails in your inbox that require action from you!
2. Track your moneyOne of the easiest ways to open the flow of money in your business is to start tracking exactly how much comes in on a daily basis. I give each of my private clients a money tracking sheet that makes it super-simple for them to implement this tip, but you can create your own very easily.
Just create a simple form that lists the days of the month, with your monthly money goal listed as well. Each day fill in the amount of money that came into your business, and don’t forget to include affiliate payments and any other sources of revenue as well.
Just by paying attention to what’s coming in will open the flow to more, and before you know it, all the days of the month will be filled in with a number!
3. Don’t overbook
When putting together your master plan for the new year, make sure you don’t overbook yourself. If you do, you won’t leave space for other opportunities to show up that you likely aren’t aware of yet.
When I completed my own master plan for the new year, it was complete, but not overbooked. There was lots of time off, as well as space for other exciting possibilities to come up.
How are you making space and opening the flow for the new year? Please share your thoughts below…
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