It’s easy when it’s flowing, right?
When your cash flow is stable and predictable, when your expenses are covered and there’s money to spare, when you’re planning vacations or home remodels or other ‘up-lifts’ to your life.
That’s when it’s easy to pay attention to your money.
It’s when you’re struggling month-to-month, when your program isn’t filling, when your offer falls flat, when you start scrambling to make the next offer because, well, you need the money – that’s when it seems easier to not actually look at your bank balance.
But here’s what I know (and you probably do too):
If you don’t pay attention to your money, it will demand your attention – and usually not in a good way!
I’ve made huge strides with my money mindset over the last 15 years – from huge credit card debt, defaulting on student loans, owing back taxes, and a credit score so low, FICO wouldn’t even give me a number, to personally debt-free, student loans paid off, taxes in good standing, a very good credit score that allowed me to co-sign on our mortage and buy my Jeep (two things I could not do the last time we bought a house and I needed to buy a new car).
None of that happened overnight, of course, but the more I paid attention to my money and the more I cleaned up my money mess, the more it flowed – and the easier it came too.
I’ll be talking about money throughout our retreat this fall. We’re going to work on not just identifying the big boulder(s) that are impeding the flow of money to you, but I’m also going to share with you what I do that increases the flow every single time it starts to slow down.
And it’s not just one thing, and it’s not just intellectual concepts – these are real things I do that I’ll be teaching you as well. They’re simple but powerful ways to increase the actual flow of real money into your business and life.
Oh, and if you register early enough, we’ll be playing with some of these in our private Facebook group before the event too. 😉
Click here to find out more
~ A
PS: Know you need to clean up your money mindset/mess? It’s overwhelming when we don’t even know where to start. But I’ve got you covered…
The super-early-bird rate is available for a limited time so be sure to check out the page asap –>
I have a friend who wants to be a musician, but he doesn’t believe it’s possible. He believes that he’s too old, too ingrained with his current work, too many responsibilities, too short on time, etc.
I listened as he lamented that his dream was dead and refrained from responding for a bit. I knew he wasn’t open to hearing me in that moment.
But a little while later, as the energy cleared around him, I suggested that he had to have faith first. Then he had to do something – anything – towards his dream.
I reminded him of this joke:
A Jewish man goes into the synagogue and prays. “O Lord, you know the mess I’m in, please let me win the lottery.”
The next week, he’s back again, and this time he’s complaining. “O Lord, didn’t you hear my prayer last week? I’ll lose everything I hold dear unless I win the lottery.”
The third week, he comes back to the synagogue, and this time he’s desperate. “O Lord, this is the third time I’ve prayed to you to let me win the lottery! I ask and I plead and still you don’t help me!”
Suddenly a booming voice sounds from heaven. “Benny, Benny, be reasonable. Meet me half way. Buy a lottery ticket!”
There are many versions of this joke, but I like this one because of God telling the man to ‘Meet me half way”.
That’s what we have to do, right? Just take one step forward and the Universe will take one step towards us. Take the first step and the next step will be shown to us. Do one thing in the direction of our dream and the allow God/Universe/Source/Higher Self/Whatever to guide us on the right path.
My friend doesn’t know HOW to make his dream become his reality. I don’t know his HOW either, but I do know that it won’t be shown to him if he doesn’t ‘buy a lottery ticket’.
I told him, “If you want to be a musician, then play music.”
(To be fair, I likewise told myself, “If you want to be an author, then write.” 😉 )
What’s yours? What do you REALLY want to do/be/have?
What’s one thing you can do – just one thing, one step – to move you in that direction?
What’s your lottery ticket?

We’re just at the end of our second week at the lake, and although it’s been cooler, we’re still having fun. Here we are on the high ropes course at Monkey Trunks.
This is our 4th visit to Monkey Trunks, and the 3rd time we’ve done the entire course together as a family (the first year, Jack wasn’t tall enough to go on the big course, so he did the kid course while James watched from the ground).
I love doing things like this as a family. Not just for the bonding experience, but because we get to witness how much the kids have grown and matured each year too.
Each visit prior, one of the kids got stuck on an element and got upset (we are 60+ feet in the air and on the most difficult part of the course, so… and there’s a lot of trust riding on those ‘monkey paws’ staying attached to the wire).
This year, when Jack got stuck – swaying in mid-air – he was able to keep his panic enough at bay to listen to me coach him through to taking just the next step. And within minutes he had made it across to the next platform. It was a proud moment for both of us.
This reminded me of how much I’ve always tended to run my business this way, by taking just the next step. Whether because I was overwhelmed, couldn’t see the whole picture, or only had tiny pockets of time in which to move forward.
To take just the next step…
Consider where you are right now. What’s just the next step you can take? Not the leap… just one single step? The one task, the one email, the one phone call, the one piece of content, the one connection, the one thing?
Do that.
And then share with me below.
Until next time…
~ A
Greetings from the Lake! The sun is just rising here… there’s so much beauty and peace at this time of day…Â 
Even so, I’m only compelled to get up with the birds when we’re at the lake. 😉
But I do treasure these early mornings at the water, with my journal, sometimes a book, oftentimes just my thoughts – and my coffee. 😉
It usually takes me a couple of weeks to fully decompress and relax into the summer’s ease… but I’m already starting to feel things loosening.
People often tell us how lucky we are to spend the whole summer at the lake – but I always tell them, it’s not luck. It was a decision to do so a long time ago and then taking action to make it happen.
The first summer we were here for 2 weeks, and last summer we were here for 13. We just kept adding weeks every year until we were staying from Father’s Day to Labor Day.
But it all started with a decision. I knew what I wanted and I decided to make it happen. And this is our 12th summer doing so.
What decision could you make in your life or your business that would bring you more peace, joy, ease, freedom, happiness, laughter, wisdom, abundance?
I’d love to know – please share with me in the comments.
Until next time…

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