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“Mom, I forgot my glove…”

Chloe needed me to bring her softball equipment to school last Thursday afternoon a couple of hours before pick-up, so I decided to take advantage of the unseasonably warm weather and sit outside on campus with my laptop – which meant I also got to watch her at her first practice from afar. 😉
This is one of the things I love about working for myself… and while I don’t always love bringing forgotten or unexpected items to campus ;-), I do love that I can.
This is the kind of freedom and flexibility I’ve designed my business to give me over the last 17 years, and I’ll be sharing a lot more about how you can do that too in my Online Business Breakthrough Live! program that starts on Tuesday.
Be sure to come on over to see all the details of the course here:
There are 6 main modules, but of course, you’ll get so much more from participating in the private Facebook group, where I’ll be answering all your questions and giving you whatever support you need to be successful.
The pre-course prep playbook and audio is waiting for you there, so you can get started right away.
We’ve got 25 members already posting introductions and connecting, and I’d love to have you join us too…
Just go here:
~ A
PS: This is the only time this year that I’ll be offering the program, so now is the time to jump in…

What’s your sweet spot?

I was invited to Jack’s class this morning for a very special reason, and something that happened made me think about how critical it is to find your sweet spot in business… watch for more and leave your comments! 🙂

Are you ready for a breakthrough in your business?

Hey there!

Have you wanted to work with me privately, but my Diamond program was full, or you simply weren’t interested in a longer-term coaching program?

Well, you’re in luck!

I’m super-excited about offering a way to work with me privately, but it’s only for the first 3 2 people who secure one of my just-opened Business Breakthrough Virtual Retreats.

You may know that I only offer private coaching to clients in my Diamond program, so if you’re feeling stuck, overwhelmed or just ready to make a change in your business but you’re unsure how to do so, or you’re ready to stop trying to figure everything out on your own, and you want expert help in creating your next steps and a plan of action, then a Business Breakthrough Virtual Retreat was designed for you.

In just a few hours, we will break through your stuck places, lift the overwhelm from your shoulders, and make the right decisions to move your business forward from a place that feels light and even fun!

If you’ve been hoping to get my eyes on your business, ask me all the questions you want, and have me lead you forward, you definitely want to check it out here.

~ A

PS: This will be the only time in 2018 I’ll be offering these retreats – reserve one of only 3 2 spots here