Are you feeling even more squeezed for time in your business these days?If you are NOT one of those who has suddenly found yourself with more time right now (like me!), this is for you.Since the beginning of building my business online, I've been committed to part-time hours so I can keep my Life Priorities first.How have I been able to do that and maintain and grow a profitable online business?In this video, I'm sharing 3 steps to get you started.You can learn more on this topic in my free playbook here:'d love to know what you think…
If your business doesn't make significant profits, you cannot have the kind of impact you want to make on your life, your family's life, your community and the world at large.In this video, I'm shining a light on three specific things to think about and what to do when it comes to profitability in your business right now. Making just one of these shifts can help you have more income in your business today and moving forward.In my free playbook, I ask you 8 questions that will help you figure this out more specifically for yourself. Get your free copy here:
If your business doesn’t make significant profits, you cannot have the kind of impact you want to make on your life, your family’s life, your community and the world at large.
In this video, I’m shining a light on three specific things to think about and what to do when it comes to profitability in your business right now. Making just one of these shifts can help you have more income in your business today and moving forward.
I wanted to talk to you today about being purposeful in your business, and in particular in being purposeful today with what’s going on in our current reality.
A lot of times
when I talk about being purposeful in your business, I’m talking more in terms
of understanding that at some point, usually after you get through that first
initial startup phase, it’s really important for your business and all of your
income streams to have a purpose beyond making money.
If you want
your business to be sustainable for the long term, there has to be something
more significant behind it, and I talk about that in a lot of different ways.
We talk about
what your big money why is, we talk about each income stream having a specific
purpose. But for right now, I really wanted you to think about the way your
business is structured right now, What your current income streams are, and to
think about the one that’s working the best for you right now.
And maybe one that’s different than in the past of what’s worked best for you just because things are shifting so much. But really think about which of your current income streams is working the best for you right now?
– How can you be more purposeful with it? – How can you be more purposeful with it in terms of reaching your audience about it? – How can you make your messaging be more concise, and be more specific to them, and to what’s happening and what’s going on in their heads in their hearts right now? – How can be more purposeful with your messaging? – How can be more purposeful with your market and how you’re reaching your market? How can you be more purposeful with each of your offers?
Think about
that income stream, in particular, the one that’s working for you. How can you
amplify that right now and make it so it really fits in to what’s going on in
our world and how you can be more purposeful and more of service to the people
that you’re trying to reach and help solve their problems?
I really want
you to think about this. This is something we talk about all the time with
private clients and in my Lively Biz Business Club. But it’s really important
to take that step when you are in the beginning stages of building your
And I know some
of you are just starting right now because it really is a great time to start
your online business or bring your side hustle into more fruition online or to
extend your offline business into online. It really is a great opportunity to
do that today.
But to think
about, once you’re through that startup phase, because when we’re in startup,
we’re figuring things out, right? We’re bootstrapping, and really our priority,
our purpose is to make money, it’s to bring cash in the door, it’s to be
profitable. But at some point there is a shift where you can start being more
strategic. And you start thinking about how can you be more purposeful both in
terms of how your business operates, And how can you be more purposeful when it
comes to reaching your market and your messaging.
I talk a lot
more about this in a free playbook that I’ll add a link here too, that you can
get today, that goes into it a little bit more about having meaning behind the
work that you do, and particularly about having a purpose for each of your
income streams, and how you can leverage being purposeful in your business too.
I wanted to talk to you about some of the conversations that I’ve been having with clients and folks that are in my Lively Biz Business Club lately.
You’re probably having these conversations as well. Or maybe they’re just thoughts that are in your own mind.
It’s about charging for our offers right now during our current crisis.
just wanted to talk to you a little bit about what I think is true and what I
know to be true through all these years of experience of being online and being
in business, being a business owner, and hopefully helping to give you a
different perspective.
If you’re feeling uncomfortable about charging for your products, your programs or your services, or you’re feeling guilty about it, or you’re just really not sure what to do, here’s why it’s okay to charge.
The first reason is based on historical data and my MBA experience which has shown me that our economy will only stay afloat or not dive deeper into the abyss where it’s already headed as long as we continue to exchange money.
need money to keep flowing in order for our economy to stay afloat, in order
for our economy to bounce back quicker from our current reality and our current
crisis right now.
We need that money exchange, we need to exchange value for value, money for money. If nothing else, if I can appeal to your logical left brain and historical data, just know that that’s true. If you want to help our economy, small business owners are in the best position to make that happen. So I’m going to encourage you to do that, if only from that perspective.
But I also want to address this from a more internal perspective, which is probably where you’re struggling with the most.
One thing that I love seeing and I talked about this recently is the generosity of all the free invitations that are out there right now. And if you can take advantage of some of those, I shared some tips on a recent Facebook Live that hopefully will help you really utilize those free invitations, those free offers and different programs and products without hopefully overwhelming you or adding more to what’s already a stressful situation.
Skin in the Game
But from a perspective of yourself and your business and charging for your products, programs and services, the fact of the matter is, if you really want to continue to serve your people, and for all of us who are service based business owners, that’s what we’re all about – we’re here to serve our market, our audience, our people. If we want to do that, then the best way that we can serve them is to ask them to put a little skin in the game – at least a little bit.
There’s nothing wrong with offering things for free. And there’s certainly a place for it. I offer a lot of content for free. But make sure that you don’t open up your stores to everyone for everything that you offer without charging them. There needs to be some skin in the game so they show up and do the work.
you’ve ever had an experience like that, where maybe you took advantage of a
free offer, but you didn’t show up and do the work, or maybe you had someone in
one of your products or programs or services who took advantage of an invitation
for free, but didn’t show up and do the work, then you know what I’m talking
Consider Scholarships v Free for all
I’ve also had many people come through different offers that I’ve made over the
years as a scholarship recipient. And those people have been some of my
absolute best clients, and a lot of them are still with me today because of
that first experience.
So if you’re thinking about making some of your invitations free to your audience, to help them, to serve them through this time, think about maybe offering a scholarship because that is a little skin in the game, right? They have to apply, maybe they answer a couple questions, maybe you only have so many spots to offer for people. That’s one way that you could approach this and still be of service to your market. To do it in a way that serves both of you – you’re serving both your potential client or customer but also serving your business as well.
Still OK to Charge
But the other thing that I wanted to say is that it’s perfectly okay for you to charge for your products, your programs and your services right now, even if it’s a little bit, maybe you’re adjusting your pricing right now to because it feels better for you to do that, that’s great.
even if you don’t want to or don’t feel like depending on your market that it’s
necessary for you to do, so don’t feel guilty about continuing to charge what
you’re charging right now. It’s all perfectly okay. And it’s all very
I wanted to really just say that if you’re coming to your work and giving your
work to your potential clients and customers, from a place of service, if
you’re coming from your heart and you really are just there to help them and
provide solutions, then it is okay to charge for that. Because doing so is
going to help everyone. It’s going to help you, it’s going to help your clients,
it’s going to help your customers, it’s going to help our economy. So it really
is a win-win-win.
again, yes, continue to offer your free content. So maybe do scholarship spots,
maybe change some of your prices. I just did a course that I normally charge a
couple hundred dollars for at least, and I did a “pay what you can” where I
gave some lower prices because that was a way that I could serve my market. But
I also know that charging them even little bit means they’re going to show up.
They’re a little bit committed, they’re doing the work, they’re going to get
what they came for in the program, which is going to help them and it’s going
to help their families and it’s going to help their communities.
don’t feel guilty about charging. Don’t feel uncomfortable about charging. Maybe
look at it from a little bit of a different perspective. Have some free stuff,
maybe do some scholarships, maybe do a “pay what you can” or “pay what you want”,
or continue to charge what you’re charging right now and keep putting one foot
in front of the other.
all good but you have the absolute opportunity here to serve your mark at an
even higher level by coming from your heart by actually asking them to commit
back to you as well. It’s truly a win-win-win all around.
I’d love to know what you think. Go ahead and drop your comments in here below.
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