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If you’re reading this ezine, it’s likely that you’ve participated in a teleseminar, whether it be mine or one of my colleagues. You’ve probably been on some that have been very good, where you got tons of really valuable information. And you may have found yourself on a few that were nothing but pitch-fests for the host’s lastest product.

But I want to share something with you. Hosting content-rich teleseminars for my target market is some of the quickest and easiest mo^ney I’ve generated in my business.

Holding F.R.E.E. introductory teleseminars are a great way to promote your business, increase your email subscriber list, make more sales on your products, and enable your potential clients another way to connect with you. By being on the phone with you, they get to know you through your voice, adding the human touch that can be so hard to cultivate online.

I offer a f.r.e.e. monthly teleseminar that gives people an introduction to what I teach. From each of these calls, I get more ezine subscribers, more members for my group coaching membership, and more sales of my products.

Holding PAID teleseminars helps to promote your business and generate revenues as well. I do one paid teleseminar at least every two months on a different marketing topic, and I gross a minimum of $2000 for each of these calls.

Another way to offer teleseminars is to do "intensive" or "bootcamp" series of multi-week teleseminars. I’ve offered 10- and 4-week ‘"workgroups" on the topics of listbuilding, creating a successful business online from scratch, and search engine marketing that have been very profitable.

Here’s what you need to get started:

1. The Right Target Market and the Right Topic

Here’s the secret for producing and profiting from a teleseminar: It must be designed for a target market AND it must solve a problem that that target market is struggling with. If you have those two keys in place, you’ll be sure to attract enough sign-ups and make money from your topic.

2. A Bridge Line

There are several good no-cost bridge lines available for you to use, but the one I’m currently recommending is because you can record the teleseminar for free as well. This is a nice benefit to offer your participants and to anyone who had to miss your teleseminar for any reason. I use it as a back-up recording for all my calls. You can have up to 100 people on the line with you.

3. Recording Service

You’ll need a way to record your teleseminars so you can provide the audio for people to listen to later and for you to make CDs from if you decide to package your teleseminar into a physical product later. I use AudioAcrobat to record all my teleseminars, with as a back-up.

4. Automatic Registration

You’ll want to be able to have people sign up for your teleseminar without you having to do a lot of work. I use Aweber for all my teleseminar registrations, but you can also use your shopping cart’s autoresponder service if you have one.

I’d like to invite you to start offering f.r.e.e. teleseminars to promote your business, and once you get more comfortable with both the format and the technology, start offering paid teleseminars. Even if you only have a handful of people on your first call, it’s great practice. And I guarantee your numbers will increase as you continue to build your email list, and you’ll be pro*fiting from teleseminars in no time.

Hosting teleseminars can be simple, fun and profitable, and I’ve laid out all steps you need, as well as the templates to model, to produce and profit from your own here.

© 2008 Alicia M Forest and