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I hope this finds you well in your world and enjoying your summer… 🙂

We’re having a blast at the lake and I’m so grateful for this business that enables me to enjoy this precious time each year with my family.

So this is a quick note to let you know that even though we’re still over three months away from my annual Online Business Breakthrough Workshop, we are already over 50% sold out – and we haven’t released the full workshop page until right now:

As always, I’m committed to this OBBW being the best one yet (we have many returning attendees (some for the 3rd, 4th, 5th and yes, even 6th time!)…

Like Lisa Braithwaite at, who says…

“OBBW is my go-to business training resource. I’ll be going back for my fourth time this year. Why? Because Alicia‘s content continues to evolve as my business evolves. Every year my business is in a new place and I need new tools and different kinds of guidance. Alicia offers exactly what I need, at whatever level I’m at. In addition, the friendships and business connections I’ve developed with the other attendees over the years have become priceless to me.”

We’d love to see you there too!

~ A

PS: The super-early-bird price is just $97- (and it will be flying away very soon ;-)). I’ll guess that you’ve invested at least that much in an info-product or a teleseminar program.

The Online Business Breakthrough Workshop is a full 3 day business-building workshop that is 100% content that’s 100% implementable (even if you don’t have one single team member yet) that meets you where you’re at – newbie or seasoned – in your business.

So if you’ve become jaded by events that are mostly rah-rah, tempting you with bits of information but not giving you the done-for-you templates, scripts, flow charts, processes, timelines, calendars and more resources to take you from where you are to where you want to be in your business and your life… you’ll be very pleasantly surprised by your experience at OBBW. That I know for sure.