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We’re just at the end of our second week at the lake, and although it’s been cooler, we’re still having fun. Here we are on the high ropes course at Monkey Trunks.

This is our 4th visit to Monkey Trunks, and the 3rd time we’ve done the entire course together as a family (the first year, Jack wasn’t tall enough to go on the big course, so he did the kid course while James watched from the ground).

I love doing things like this as a family. Not just for the bonding experience, but because we get to witness how much the kids have grown and matured each year too.

Each visit prior, one of the kids got stuck on an element and got upset (we are 60+ feet in the air and on the most difficult part of the course, so… and there’s a lot of trust riding on those ‘monkey paws’ staying attached to the wire).

This year, when Jack got stuck – swaying in mid-air – he was able to keep his panic enough at bay to listen to me coach him through to taking just the next step. And within minutes he had made it across to the next platform. It was a proud moment for both of us.

This reminded me of how much I’ve always tended to run my business this way, by taking just the next step. Whether because I was overwhelmed, couldn’t see the whole picture, or only had tiny pockets of time in which to move forward.

To take just the next step…

Consider where you are right now. What’s just the next step you can take? Not the leap… just one single step? The one task, the one email, the one phone call, the one piece of content, the one connection, the one thing?

Do that.

And then share with me below.

Until next time…

~ A