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You may be too busy during the holiday season to notice if your business is slowing down a bit, but in case you’re not, there are several things you can do to use this time to your advantage as you head into the new year.

1. Review your website

Take some time to review your website and make any necessary updates by removing old information and freshening up the rest of your copy. If you have a photo of yourself on your site, consider putting up a new one if your current one is out of date. And here’s a tip for getting more people to sign up for your Free Taste: put a squeeze page in front of your existing site that asks for just name and email address before they enter the rest of your site.

2. Update your Free Taste

Review your free offering and decide if it could use some updating as well. I’m updating mine again now so it will reflect my more finely tuned message and market. If it’s been more than a year since you’re breathed new life into your free taste, my coach’s request is that you do so now.

3. Have a Holiday Sale

If you want to create some cash, consider holding a sale on one, some or all of your products. Everyone’s looking for a break at the holidays, and there most likely are people on your list who have thought about buying one or more of your products or investing in your services, and a discount might just push them to finally doing so.

4. Clean out the clutter

One of the “powers of the Universe” principles I believe in is making space for things to come into my life. So every few months, I get a huge urge to purge (I’m in it now, actually). I go through my desk, filing cabinets, and bookshelves and either toss, give away or organize it. I also make new file folders for the clients yet to come… and it’s always fun to watch them fill up over the next few months.

5. Plan your first offering for the new year and start promoting it now

Decide what your first offering for the new year is going to be and start promoting it in your ezine, social media, or discussion lists (when appropriate), and through your other marketing channels. Having something already set up to look forward to will help keep you motivated after the hub-bub of the holidays.

And one more thing – don’t forget to enjoy yourself. As entrepreneurs, sometimes we find it hard to take a break, but do yourself, your loved ones, and your business a favor by taking some time away from your work and truly focusing on the people you love and the blessings in your life.

How are you making space and opening the flow for the new year? Please share your thoughts on my blog below…