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Gather Your Clan

Thank you so much for joining me for Gather Your Clan: Best Practices for Entrepreneurs Who Believe in the Power of a List!

I hope you feel your time was well-spent and that you now have a strategic plan and a path for moving forward with your list-building efforts.

And I would love your feedback – both it terms of what you got out of the day as well as what would have made it even better.

Just click this link

…to share your quick thoughts – and thank you!


I’m thrilled to be seeing so many of you at my Online Business Breakthrough Workshop this fall!

If you didn’t register yesterday, and would like to do so at your special $97- rate, please use this OBBW REGISTRATION LINK to do so.

Launch Logistics Intensive

I mentioned that my Launch Logistics Intensive course starts May 5 (we’ll be covering how to do a list launch as well as several other types of launches). If you’d like to learn more, all the details are on the registration page here.

And if you’d like to join us for a special rate of just $297- be sure to USE THIS REGISTRATION LINK

GYC Slides

Downland the Gather Your Clan slides here