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It’s a clear, calm morning here at the lake – mostly blue sky with promises of a great day ahead – yeah! 🙂

Every morning I get a message from the Universe from – some of them are profound, most of them make me think, usually they make me smile, and sometimes they make me laugh out loud… here’s one from earlier this week:

I said, "Yes!" Alicia, when you first thought of "it".

"Now!" when you first asked.

And, "Hallelujah! So be it! Coming right up!" when you first gave thanks in advance…

Believing in you,
    The Universe

It’s reminded me that I can ‘place my order’ with the Universe whenever I want and it will move mountains to make things happen for me – if I come from a place of gratitude and abundance. It’s been a good reminder for me as of late, as I’ve been more anxious and overwhelmed than usual so I’ve been having a bit of a hard time relaxing and leaning into the easiness of everyday here that could be mine… so no more! I’m breathing deep and letting the peace and calm of this quiet morning wash over me and I will let my gratitude for being here color every moment forward.

What are you giving thanks for in advance?

~ A