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If you want to create more money in your business, you have to know your value and be able to articulate that really well in order to be heard above the din in our loud and overcrowded world today.

You probably have an idea of the value that your clients and customers receive through your work. But what will make what you do far more enjoyable, more marketable, and much easier is to really dig deep into finding out very specifically what the value is that your clients and customers get through your work together or from your products or programs.

So I have a two-part assignment for you:

Part 1: Ask yourself…

“What’s one benefit/value/result that my client gets from working with me?”

Answer that question 30 times.
(here’s the secret: the first 10 will be easy. After that you’ll need to start digging to find the gold nuggets ;-))

Part 2: Ask your clients/customers…

“What’s the value you’re receiving from our work together?” or “What’s the value you’re receiving from this product or program?”

Ask them to answer that question beyond the superficial, to really dig deep, to find the real value they’re receiving.

You may be surprised to find out it has little to do with the actual ‘thing’ they initially invested in you for.

Then take your answers and their answers and work with them to come up with several laser marketing messages that make you and what you do memorable and highly attractive to more and more of your ideal clients and customers.

At my annual Online Business Breakthrough Workshop, we go deep into this and other exercises so you’ll leave with your unique message and how to articulate that through all of your marketing so you can finally stand out among the sea of others who do what you do.

Get on the early reservation list here

Share your answers with me below…