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Back-to-School Business Bundle Sale!

Just dropped Jack off for his first day of 3rd grade – woohoo! And since Chloe started 6th grade yesterday, it’s back to business for me – and my Back-to-School Business Bundle for you!
Take a look at it here:
Here are just 5 of the 32 trainings you’ll have instant access to:
1. How to Prioritize All You Do
Overwhelmed? Confused? Immobilized by the sheer number of items on your to-do list? You are not alone. It’s the entrepreneur’s trap and this is the training call that will free you.
(this is one of my all-time favorites)
2. The Simple 7-Step Autoresponder Sales Sequence
In this training call, Alicia will teach you how to write a quick autoresponder email series that sells a product or service on autopilot.
(one of clients implemented this right away and saw instant sales – and she was amazed at how a simple it was!)
3. Advanced Signature System
Got your Signature System outlined? Alicia’s going to show you what to do next with it, and how to create additional revenue streams from it, quickly and easily.
(This is HOW my business passed the 6-figure mark and then the million-dollar mark)
4. 22 Ways to Instantly Boost Your Sales Page Conversion
Want to get more sales from your current and future sales pages? In this training, Alicia will share 22 easy ways to make sure your conversions are as high as they can be.
(another checklist-style training to be certain you’re not leaving money on the table!)
5. How to Multi-Purpose Your Content
Following my Content Leverage Flow Chart, we’ll work together on implementing each piece that makes sense for your business so you can finally start drawing more people to you.
(I teach this process in-depth at both my annual Online Business Breakthrough Workshop as well as at my Gather Your Clan workshop – but you can get it right now – this one alone is worth your tiny investment).
If you want to build your lifestyle business (yes, that kind of business that puts your LIFE first – letting you focus time, energy and money on what’s truly most important to you), you’ll get 32 of my most effective programs for just $97-.
These trainings are comprehensive step-by-step trainings and were only available to private clients who invested $2k or more to learn what you have immediate access to below for a fraction of that.
This offer is good only until Friday, September 9 so don’t delay, ok?

Ready to launch your offers much more successfully?

It seems that my free training call “No More Failed Launches: 3 Keys to Launches that Catch Fire & Ignite Sales” really hit you to the core, based on the amazing feedback we’ve been getting since… 🙂

But in case you weren’t able to join us, and because I’d love for you to see exactly where you’re stuck when it comes to creating really successful launches, as well as give you the action steps to shift that for you, I’m giving you access to the recording here.

On the call, I shared the 3 critical keys you need to either put into place, or shift your mindset around, with regards to your launches.

Listen to the recording here now:

[ctt tweet=”Ready to launch your offers to greater success?” coverup=”L2cHN”]

In the meantime, if you have any questions about the program, what we’ll cover, if it’s right for you, or anything else that’s on your mind – just email and we’ll get back to you asap…

I was telling a friend…

Happy President’s DayPresidents-Day-2014!

The kids are off from school today, so while they enjoy their allotted screen time this morning, I’m taking a moment to share something with you I was telling a friend over the weekend…

She’s a fairly new friend, so we’re still getting to know each other. She was asking about my business (she and her husband own a very successful company in the IT industry) and as I was telling her about taking time off when the kids are off from school, she reminded me how remarkable that is – to own and run a successful solo business that enables me to take an incredible amount of time off.

That’s just one big benefit hosting my own small live event has given me… to be able to be with my kids when they’re off from school, whether it’s a long weekend like this one, or 13 weeks this coming summer.

And that is priceless to me.

If you want to know more, then be sure to join us on my free livecast coming up…

Behind-The-Scenes Strategies You Must Know
For Your Event To Be A True Success

Just visit this page to reserve your spot.

~ A

PS: I’d love it if you’d share this with your friends and colleagues… thanks so much!

Online Business Breakthrough Workshop 2015 – super-early-bird registration now open

I hope this finds you well in your world and enjoying your summer… 🙂

We’re having a blast at the lake and I’m so grateful for this business that enables me to enjoy this precious time each year with my family.

So this is a quick note to let you know that even though we’re still over three months away from my annual Online Business Breakthrough Workshop, we are already over 50% sold out – and we haven’t released the full workshop page until right now:

As always, I’m committed to this OBBW being the best one yet (we have many returning attendees (some for the 3rd, 4th, 5th and yes, even 6th time!)…

Like Lisa Braithwaite at, who says…

“OBBW is my go-to business training resource. I’ll be going back for my fourth time this year. Why? Because Alicia‘s content continues to evolve as my business evolves. Every year my business is in a new place and I need new tools and different kinds of guidance. Alicia offers exactly what I need, at whatever level I’m at. In addition, the friendships and business connections I’ve developed with the other attendees over the years have become priceless to me.”

We’d love to see you there too!

~ A

PS: The super-early-bird price is just $97- (and it will be flying away very soon ;-)). I’ll guess that you’ve invested at least that much in an info-product or a teleseminar program.

The Online Business Breakthrough Workshop is a full 3 day business-building workshop that is 100% content that’s 100% implementable (even if you don’t have one single team member yet) that meets you where you’re at – newbie or seasoned – in your business.

So if you’ve become jaded by events that are mostly rah-rah, tempting you with bits of information but not giving you the done-for-you templates, scripts, flow charts, processes, timelines, calendars and more resources to take you from where you are to where you want to be in your business and your life… you’ll be very pleasantly surprised by your experience at OBBW. That I know for sure.

Are you new to building your business online?

Hi there!

I had a email conversation with a potential high-level client several years ago that went something like this…

“Alicia, I have a successful life coaching practice – full client roster, mostly via referrals, steady 6 figures in income, and I want to bring my business online. I’m interested in your Platinum program – can we talk?”

I told her she should consider going through my 21 Easy & Essential Steps to Online Success System™ instead.

My response surprised her. So much so she graciously asked why it seemed she wasn’t qualified for my Platinum program…(because <insert name>, <insert name> and <insert name> had already told her she was for their programs.

I explained it wasn’t that she wasn’t qualified at all. It was that she was already successful offline and she didn’t NEED a $24k Platinum program to bring that success online.

She only needed to implement the 21 Steps (for $297-) to get the foundation of a successful online business in place, and THEN we could talk about Platinum.

Or I could personally lead her through the 21 Steps program for $24k and call it Platinum… 😉 Her choice… You can guess which she choose, thanking me for pointing her to just what she needed next (and saving her thousands of dollars too).

I’m so tired of hearing stories from you about spending thousands of dollars BEFORE you want or even need to, just to get those critical underpinnings in place.

So I want you to have the same choice I gave to her  – and for even less of an investment than that…

I’m offering you the 21 Easy & Essential Steps to Online Success System™ for just $97-.

Click here to get your copy right now:

This is the final time I will be offering this program, even though it’s been my bestselling offer since 2006 – it’s simply time to make space for something new to emerge.

This $97- deal ends on Saturday, June 6, so don’t wait, ok?

Click here to get your copy right now:

~ A

PS: The program comes with access to the private 21 Steps Facebook Group as well as 8 Video Trainings of the entire course… it’s a screaming deal. 😉

Click here to get your copy right now:

Is this where you’re at?

I had a email conversation with a potential high-level client several years ago that went something like this…

“Alicia, I have a successful life coaching practice – full client roster, mostly via referrals, steady 6 figures in income, and I want to bring my business online. I’m interested in your Platinum program – can we talk?”

I told her she should consider going through my 21 Easy & Essential Steps to Online Success System™ instead.

My response surprised her. So much so she graciously asked why it seemed she wasn’t qualified for my Platinum program…(because <insert name>, <insert name> and <insert name> had already told her she was for their programs.

I explained it wasn’t that she wasn’t qualified at all. It was that she was already successful offline and she didn’t NEED a $24k Platinum program to bring that success online.

She only needed to implement the 21 Steps (for $297-) to get the foundation of a successful online business in place, and THEN we could talk about Platinum.

Or I could personally lead her through the 21 Steps program for $24k and call it Platinum… Her choice… You can guess which she choose, thanking me for pointing her to just what she needed next (and saving her thousands of dollars too).

I’m so tired of hearing stories from you about spending thousands of dollars BEFORE you want or even need to, just to get those critical underpinnings in place.

So I want you to have the same choice I gave to her – and for even less of an investment than that…

I’ve created a month-long LIVE version of the 21 Easy & Essential Steps to Online Success System™ that I’m going to personally lead you through.

If you’re feeling the pull to check it out, I want you to visit the link below right now to get all the details and reserve your seat for $0.

THEN If we reach 30 registrations by April 30, I’ll personally lead you through the entire course for just $97-.

(Why 30? Because that allows me to leverage my time enough in order to be able to offer you this deeply discounted rate.)

The course begins this Thursday, May 1 so don’t wait, ok?

~ A

PS: Whether or not this invitation is for you, please SHARE this super-special offer so I can help 30 more people to create the successful and sustainable online business they ache for… thanks!