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Did you know that one of the quickest ways to draw attention to your business is by conducting interviews of people in your niche whose name is familiar to your target market?

This is one of the fastest and easiest ways to add loads of targeted subscribers to your email list, and it can a lot of fun, too!

You can interview them over the phone and record it, offering the audio as a way to entice people to sign up for your list (and you can ask if your interviewee would be willing to do the same – most will). Or you could do a written interview via email and offer the written transcript as a bonus to those who sign up for your Free Taste.

Here’s the steps to how you do this:

1. Make a list of about 10 well-known people in your niche who
you could potentially interview.

To find them, search your inbox tosee whose lists that apply to your niche that you’re on, look on websites in your niche, Google for others you don’t know about yet,
ask your lists for recommendations and referrals, look in your industry magazines, books within your niche, and go to, search for and create a short list of authors who would be interesting to interview for your market.

2. Once you have your initial list, Google the name of each person.

See if they have a website and if they do, visit it and see if they have a list – you’ll know if they do if they offer a Free Taste! Put a star beside the names of the people who have both a website and a Free Taste.

3. Compose an email (which you can use over and over) that invites
each person to be interviewed by you on the topic you choose.

Obviously it needs to be a topic that your target audience is interested in learning more about. What you want to make obvious to the potential interviewee is that you are offering to give them free publicity.

The names with the stars beside them are the first people you should contact via email. Then work your way steadily down the list.

Remember, as you build your stash of interviews with leaders in you niche, you are becoming well-known as well. Don’t be surprised if you in turn get invited to be interviewed by someone else using just this technique, which again, benefits you and your list.

And if you continuously implement this strategy (say one interview a month or a quarter), it will build momentum, and could eventually build a nice package of future products for you to offer!

© 2008 Alicia M Forest and