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What’s your unique message?


What’s your Unique Message?

You may wonder what your Unique Message has to do with building your online business.

It’s simple, really…

If you come from an authentic place, success is inevitable.

Your Unique Message is what you do and who you do it for.

And the more you make it uniquely you, the more it will resonate with the right people.

Here’s something I do with my Online Business Breakthrough students.

It’s called the Center of Authenticity question.

(hat-tip to my very first coach for teaching me this – thanks cb!)

If you’re just starting out in your online business, then answering this question will move you leaps towards making it stand out from the crowd.

If you’re already in business for yourself, answering this question will help you define the benefits of what you offer from an even deeper authentic place that will not only make you more memorable, but will draw more of those ideal clients to you as well.

Here’s the question:

‘What has happened in your life, good or bad, that would be the most useful to share with others?’

For example, maybe you’ve gone through a divorce that was difficult and the people in your life seem to remark frequently how well you’ve handled things. You could create an online business around helping others through the same experience.

Or maybe you’re a teacher and you constantly get accolades from parents and colleagues about how well you work with the difficult kids in the classroom. You could create an online business where you work with those kids specifically.

Or perhaps you’re a stay-at-home mom who is exceptionally good at living well on a budget. You could create an online business based on your tips and techniques that have worked well for you.

Or maybe you’re a yoga instructor, massage therapist, day spa owner, or provide other healing arts services. You can take your experience and knowledge about your industry online to create additional income streams for your business.

All of the above are real-life student examples, by the way. 😉

Once you have a compelling answer to the Center of Authenticity question and have weaved a story around it that you can share with others, you will be creating a connection with them that simply doesn’t come from saying, ‘I’m an author and a speaker’ or ‘I’m a life coach.’

Telling people your story – how you got to where you are and why you are doing what you do – makes them feel connected to you.

It helps them get to know you, learn to like you, and trust that you are who you say you are and know what you’re talking about.

And you know that people only buy things from people they know, like and trust, right? 😉

Your answer to the Center of Authenticity is one of the easiest roads to building your own successful and sustainable 6-figure business.

So, what’s your Unique Message?

PS: Figuring out your Unique Message is one of the first steps inside the Online Business Breakthrough!

Interested in finding out more? Join me upcoming free workshop here.