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Recommended Resources

Since I’m often asked which tools and services I use to run and grow my business, I’ve created this page with all of my preferred providers and tools listed for you.

A * means that I currently use (or have used with great satisfaction) this product or service provider.

Shopping cart, email list management, affiliate program and much more:


Audio recordings for teleseminars, websites, interviews, emails, etc. (also hosts videos)

*Audio Acrobat



*Back-Up Service


Printed Products

* VistaPrint


Bridge Lines for teleseminars




Copyright Info

Copywriting Services

Michele PW

Lisa Manyon

Domain Name Registration


Email List Service Provider (Ezine/Autoresponder/Broadcast Emails)



Live Streaming


Legal Help

PrePaid Legal Plan

Alexis Neely’s LIFT

Membership Site Platform

*Access Ally

Merchant Account

*Direct Pay

Payment Processors


*Direct Pay


Product Creating and Packaging

*Vervante (publishing, packaging, and shipping) – please tell them Alicia sent you!

Speaker Fulfillment Services (packaging)


Promotional Items

Oriental Trading Co


Shopping Carts



Survey Tools

*Survey Monkey



Teleseminar Recording

*Audio Acrobat


Transcription Services

*Alicia Jay – please tell her Alicia sent you!


* (free)


Video Streaming/Hosting

*Audio Acrobat




Web Site/Landing Pages/Pop-Up Design



Web Site Hosting


Please Note:

1. Although Alicia recommends these resources, she does not accept responsibility for any purchases you make, business you conduct, or relationships you may initiate with anyone listed in this directory.

2. Due to the nature of directory publishing, these listings may become inaccurate over time. If you come across an inaccurate link, please send an email to

3. Alicia is an affiliate of some of these resources, which means she may receive a small percentage of the fee you pay for the same service if you use the link she provides for you in this directory. The compensation she receives is simply a small token of thanks from that service provider for sending potential customers their way. However, please know that Alicia doesn’t recommend any service or product solely for the purpose of receiving this compensation. Most of her recommendations are for products or services she personally uses or has used. Others have come to her highly recommended by trusted colleagues.