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During the first class in my 21 Easy & Essential Steps to Online Success Take Action Group, there's a palpable sigh of relief when I lead them through a realistic timeline to creating cash flow and success with their online business. So even though I tell them that sometimes it can take up to a year before they'll start seeing some consistent income (if they're real newbies), the pressure lifts and they can embrace the possibility of their business vision becoming real.

There are, of course, ways that you can accelerate this timeline. Here are just 5 of my favorite proven acceleration tips:

Tip 1. Put up your Free Taste and Invite Site asap.

The sooner you get that up, the sooner your list will grow, the sooner your revenue will grow. Get it out now (not perfect – just done!); you can always revise it (and you will).

Tip 2. Make sure your Free Taste really is just a taste of your offering.

It's something you should be able to put together within just a couple of days, if not hours. Make it finite and not something you need to keep working on. A mini-ecourse is a good example. Then introduce your ezine later.

Tip 3. Build your list

Take a piece of paper, write BUILD LIST big and bold, and stick it on your computer, on the wall next to your desk, or somewhere else you will see it and focus on it every day. The quickest way to build to the point of revenue generation in your business is to build your list.

Tip 4. Converge online and offline marketing efforts as much as possible.

If you're holding workshops, get email addresses. If you're sending direct mail, point the recipients to a URL to sign up for your list for your Free Taste.

Tip 5. Concentrate on building a core program.

Intensely create a core program that answers some of the main problems/solutions that your target market is struggling with to create a solid income stream (think Signature System). Then take pieces of that content and package it in various ways to create additional income streams.

Like these tips? I have even more specific strategies on how to set up and run your online business that creates cash flow consistently, which I'll be personally leading you through in my upcoming 21 Steps Take Action Group that starts on Wednesday, October 21, 2009. Spots are very limited, so reserve yours NOW.

(c) 2009 Alicia Forest

About the author:  Alicia M Forest, MBA, 6-Figure Business Breakthrough Mentor, teaches self-employed professionals how to attract more clients, create profit-making products and services, make more sales, and ultimately live the life they desire and deserve. For FREE tips on how to create wild abundance in your business, visit