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Me: I'm done…. (to hubby after arriving home from Ali Brown's Online Success Blueprint Workshop)

Him: With what? (read: uh-oh…)

Me: I'm done with thinking, playing, being small. I know I've been saying this for awhile, but it really became clear to me at the workshop – I'm so done with the piddly stuff. No more…

…and on (and on..) the conversation went. Here are three of the main shifts in my thinking (and feeling and being) I've made from my experience at the workshop.

1. I'm not a joiner…

That may surprise you, if you know me at all. I love people, I love being a part of 'stuff', and my daughter definitely has my 'I'm afraid I'm going to miss something…' gene… 😉

And I don't know if it's the fact that I've literally left my house on only 3 occasions in the last three years (while I focus on tending to two little ones) – and thus 'it's the hermit life for me' has become innate, but it became very clear to me how much an individual I am at this event – in a good way. Meaning that I've become very comfortable and confident in my own skin, in who I am as a person, both personally and professionally, without even realizing it.

Mindshift: My success is not based on the 5 people I surround myself with. It's based on me.

That being said…

2. I'm not a competitor…

If you've been reading this ezine for awhile, you may have read my 'Turn Your Competitors into Collaborators' article (maybe even more than once, as I keep reprinting it due to the amount of positive responses it always receives).

So, although this wasn't necessarily a new 'a-ha' for me, being at this event and meeting so many success-driven AND purposeful business owners validated my belief in abundance, that there is more than enough for everyone – and then some.

Here's something that Ali said that summed up how I feel very succinctly:

Mindshift: I don't compete. I don't compare. I just am.

Yup. Take that one to heart, please – it's incredibly freeing.

3. I'm not your average mompreneur

Ok, this one wasn't a huge relevation, but what was was that I got to meet a bunch of other 'not your average mompreneurs' at Ali's event, like Alexis Martin Neely, Sheri McConnell, MaryPat Kavanagh, Sarah Robinson, Elizabeth Potts Weinstein, and several others. (Google these amazing women to find out what they're up to…)

I'm grateful to be in such amazing company, and to know that this special group of women I've had a passion for supporting when I first started out in 2004 with is finally coming into its own. Amen!

Mindshift: I'm not the only one who is building an empire while raising a family.

So what do these mean? For me, it means that the vision I had for my business when I started out was too small. It means that there's an opportunity for me to make a much bigger impact that I ever conceived possible before. It means that I'll be making bigger and better decisions about 'what next' going forward.

It means I'm done playing small. What about you?