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Top 10 Reasons You Must Have a Signature System

Did you know there’s a super-simple way to leverage your gifts, talent and know-how into lucrative, highly leveraged income streams?

It’s your Signature System, and it’s your step-by-step formula for multiple streams success.

So, what exactly is a Signature System? It’s the work you’re ALREADY doing with clients, packaged into a highly marketable, step-by-step system they’ll want to buy.

If you’re thinking you can’t create a system because every client is different, think again. EVERY service can be transformed into a simple, repeatable system clients will happily say ‘yes’ to.

Once I figured this out and finally moved away from solely working one-on-one with clients and started adding other revenue streams, I knew I’d found the right system that was going to help me create the kind of income I desired.

Specifically, here are the top 10 reasons why having a Signature System is a MUST to quickly transition out of 1-on-1 work…

1. Your clients LOVE systems.

They’re so overloaded, they can’t even stop to think. Your system tells them “I’ve done the work so you don’t have to.”

2. Your clients can practically predict their success.

When they see the results others have achieved, clients feel very reassured… and start to picture the results for themselves.

3. Your Signature System sets you apart.

It’s as unique as your signature, after all – nobody else has it!

4. Instant credibility.

Without a system, your services can appear all over the place. A system instantly elevates you to expert status.

5. Quicker, easier sales.

Your clients “get” what you offer much quicker and are ready to buy much sooner.

6. Your clients get better results…

…when they follow given steps in a given order, instead of blundering around trying to find their way.

7. Your clients get results faster…

… because they’re not wasting time on needless “stuff.”

8. Your clients come back again and again…

…because they’ve had such success with you the first time!

9. You’ll help more people…

…because your Signature System (or key elements of it) can be “bottled and sold” at different investment and commitment points.

10. And best of all…

…you’ll see just how easy it is to create 3, 4 or even more lucrative income streams that will deliver a steady and predictable flow of cash into your business. And you know what that means? Peace of mind. Priceless.

I’d love to know your thoughts on having your own Signature System – please leave your comments below.

3 Steps to Your Next Profitable Offer


Do you get stuck when trying to figure out what to offer to your market next? Do you wonder if they’ll buy what you put together for them? Just follow these three steps to easily create your next successful offer:

Step 1: Know what your market WANTS

Be really clear on your market, what their problem is, and what your solution to that problem is. And more importantly, don’t make the mistake of creating something that you think your market needs before you find out if it’s something they want.

How do you find out what they want? Ask them!

Step 2: Fill in the holes in your HourGlass

In the business model I designed and teach, there are different offers at different price points. When deciding what to offer next, take a look at your HourGlass and see where your next gap is and then fill it.

So, if you have a Free Taste and nothing in the less than $50 range at the first level of the Hourglass, that’s the first gap you’ll want to fill.

One way you can fill this gap is to take one of your larger offerings and modulize it to fill in a lower level of your HourGlass.

Advanced TIP: if you have a $50 product and it’s selling really well, that’s when you want to start creating something at the next level of the HourGlass to offer, which would be at a higher price point.

Step 3: Create the Offer

Once you have identified the hole to fill you can start creating your next product, program or service.

Knowing what level you’re creating your product for will inform the end product. And you’ll want to make sure your time and effort equals the price point.

Here are some examples to get you started. Know that your market may demand higher (or lower, but not much) price points:

Level 1: $50
print book
journal/day planners

Level 2: $200
teleseminars – single or series
more comprehensive e-manuals
short group coaching programs
two-part-multi-media module
live workshops or seminars

And don’t forget – create a product that you actually enjoy creating!

How you’ve decided to package your product will determine your delivery system. This is the path to getting your product into the hands of your buyer. Some systems only do one thing, but most overlap, so it makes sense to think about your bigger vision for your business as it grows and make the investment in some of the systems that do several things if you can.

I’d love to know your thoughts on how you’re going to create your next offer – please leave your comments below.

How to Unhook from the Future

Chloe has a children’s book titled Milton’s Secret: An Adventure of Discovery through Then, When, and the Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle and Robert S. Friedman, which really simplifies the concept of living in the present moment, and how the practice of that will, for the boy in the story, eliminate fear and worry.

I wanted to explore that as it pertains to your business, with a slightly different slant. I wonder if you, like so many of my clients, and myself as well from time to time, are so hooked into the future that we’re missing the NOW and not fully enjoying the journey?

So how do we unhook from it to allow what we truly want to come to pass without always feeling like we’re striving for it? Here are 5 ideas:

1. Let go of the goals that take you away from the present.

Let me say first that you can have everything you want – and there’s no judgement here on what those things are.

That being said, do you want a mansion, to be the #1 speaker in your market, to be the one with the biggest email list in your market, to be a New York Times bestselling author, to make a million dollars? There’s nothing wrong with any of those lofty (and completely attainable) goals.

And, what happens is when we’re so focused on the sexy dream we tend to get ourselves so riled up about getting there that we miss all the amazing stuff happening NOW.

What I’ve noticed is that people get impatient, sad, frustrated, and even angry when they’re so focused on the future goal that the present seems uninteresting at best, despairing at worst. The antidote? See #2.

2. Polish the present

I want to encourage you to stop striving so hard and thrive in your present. What I mean is that if you make what you already have better, and polish what’s already good and working, you uplevel your life without expending that energy on something that doesn’t exist yet.

Yes, it’s about appreciating what’s already good and right in your world and in your business AND it’s about how you can make what’s already there fulfill you even more. It’s true that if you make the most of what you already have, you’ll get more and better of it with a lot less effort on your part.

3. Don’t plan so much

I’m all about having the big picture plan down to the day-to-day details, and yet I know that most of the time, the plan changes.

One of the reasons we – as businessowners – plan so much is because it gives us a sense of control and it helps to alleviate the fears and doubts we have about knowing what we’re doing.

So have the plan and be willing to be flexible with it. Let it be a guide but not the only way. If you get wrapped up in THE PLAN you’ll actually hold yourself and your business back from being able to adapt quickly when things change – and they always do.

Assess if you spend more time planning than doing – and if you do, stop right now. And if you tend to fly by the seat of your pants more often than not, you might want a lightly-built framework around you to give you some sense of stability.

4. Get out of the striver’s club

Stop trying to aquire a better future with others who are striving. It’s just too exhausting. I’m not saying to surround yourself with lazy folks, but to get out of the overdrive club if you want to relax into a currently compelling present instead of an exhausting still ‘out there somewhere’ future.

5. Get off the ‘if/when’ rollercoaster

I admit this is a pet peeve of mine. Not from people who are decisive, but from people who use it as an excuse to not be happy now. When you make ‘if/when’ statements, you’re living in the future. Dreaming and visioning is one thing; otherwise it’s a holding pattern for you but even worse, you’re not enjoying where you’re at right now!

I’d love to know your thoughts on how to unhook from the future so you can enjoy the present – please leave your comments below.