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Teleseminars: A Quick Way to Cash

If you're reading this ezine, it's likely that you've participated in a teleseminar, whether it be mine or one of my colleagues. You've probably been on some that have been very good, where you got tons of really valuable information. And you may have found yourself on a few that were nothing but pitch-fests for the host's lastest product.

But I want to share something with you. Hosting content-rich teleseminars for my target market is some of the quickest and easiest money I've generated in my business.

Holding f.r.e.e. introductory teleseminars are a great way to promote your business, increase your email subscriber list, make more sales on your products, and enable your potential clients another way to connect with you. By being on the phone with you, they get to know you through your voice, adding the human touch that can be so hard to cultivate online.

In the past, I've offered a free monthly teleseminar that gave people an introduction to what I teach. From each of those calls, I got more ezine subscribers, more members for my group coaching membership, and more sales of my products.

Which is why I'll be adding them back into my marketing mix again this year.

Holding PAID teleseminars helps to promote your business and generate revenues as well. Just doing one paid teleseminar at least every two months on a different marketing topic would gross me a minimum of $2500.

Not bad for an hour's worth of work, huh?

Another way to offer teleseminars is to do "intensive" or "bootcamp" series of multi-week teleseminars. I've offered 10- and 4-week '"workgroups" on the topics of listbuilding, creating a successful business online from scratch, and search engine marketing that have been extremely profitable, upwards of $10k.

As you can see, adding teleseminars to your business model benefits both your market and your bottom line.

Here's what you need to get started:

1. The Right Target Market and the Right Topic

Here's the secret for producing and profiting from a teleseminar: It must be designed for a target market AND it must solve a problem that that target market is struggling with. If you have those two keys in place, you'll be sure to attract enough sign-ups and make money from your topic.

2. A Bridge Line

There are several good no-cost bridge lines available for you to use, but the one I'm currently recommending is because you can record the teleseminar for free as well. This is a nice benefit to offer your participants and to anyone who had to miss your teleseminar for any reason. I use it as a back-up recording for all my calls. You can have up to 100 people on the line with you.

3. Recording Service

You'll need a way to record your teleseminars so you can provide the audio for people to listen to later and for you to make CDs from if you decide to package your teleseminar into a physical product after the fact. I use AudioAcrobat to record all my teleseminars, with as a back-up.

4. Automatic Registration

You'll want to be able to have people sign up for your teleseminar without you having to do a lot of work. I use Aweber for all my teleseminar registrations, but you can also use your shopping cart's autoresponder service if you have one.

I'd like to invite you to start offering free teleseminars to promote your business, and once you get more comfortable with both the format and the technology, start offering paid teleseminars. Even if you only have a handful of people on your first call, it's great practice. And I guarantee your numbers will increase as you continue to build your email list, and you'll be profiting from teleseminars in no time.

I'd love to hear your thoughts on hosting teleseminars. Please feel free to leave your comments below!

© 2010 Alicia M Forest and

3 A-ha’s from the Wealthy Thought Leader

While I had many shifts, ideas, pauses for thought, and lightbulb moments while attending Andrea Lee's Wealthy Thought Leader event, I wanted to share with you three of the a-ha's I had during the event's three days.

1. I already am a wealthy thought leader…

I just need to embrace it. And I can't do that until…

2. I'm ready to take a stand…

And I am ready. It's been forming for a while now, most particularly over the last few months. I started getting really clear on my principles and guideposts for my business as well as how and what I want to teach and share with my clients to enhance their business as well.

And that re-ignited that…

3. I really do love what I do.

How blessed am I that I get to work with such amazing clients, that I'm surrounded with a fabulous group of colleagues that continues to deepen and grow, that I get to be as creative as I want all the time, because this is my business, my life, and my choice.

I'd love to know how this resonates with you. Please leave your thoughts below – and thanks!

Excuses or Results?

"You either have excuses or you have results. Which one do you have today?"

This was a tweet recently posted by a former Platinum client of mine, Liz Dennery Marks, owner of and Dennery Marks Inc., a very successful brick-and-mortar branding and celebrity outreach firm in Beverly Hills.

And it really struck a chord with me. Why? Because I've been having that conversation more often than ever lately, with both clients and colleagues.

So let's see if I can help you figure out which is true for you:

Think of *one thing* in your business right now that is frustrating you.

Once you have that 'one thing' in mind, what was the next thought that popped into your head?

Was it…

– I'm waiting for so-and-so to get back to me first.
– I don't have the time, money, resources.
– I don't know what to do next.
– I'm not sure this is right for me.
– I'm feeling lost, confused, unsupported.

All of these thoughts and feelings are absolutely valid. And they are all excuses. Choose a different word than 'excuses', if you'd like, but if you're not moving forward and getting results, then I'm going to suggest that the issue isn't truly any of the above.

By the way, I worded it that way – 'what's one thing' – on purpose, because how we do anything is how we do everything.

And that's my intention here – to shine the light on the fact that as long as you focus externally as the 'reason' something isn't working for you, you'll continue to be frustrated and stuck.

Here's an example from my own client files:

I had a client who was frustrated by what she considered to be my lack of support of her and her business. When she shared this frustration with me, I didn't get defensive or take on her frustration. What I did do was ask her a series of simple questions that drilled down to the real issue.

In this case, it was that she wasn't taking any action, including asking her coach (me) for the support she needed. Once she realized that she had everything she needed to move forward, including the very help she was paying for, everything shifted for her. She began asking for direction and implementing the information she already had, and her business started flowing immediately.

But more than that, she realized that she was doing the same thing in her personal life with her husband. She was frustrated by his lack of support, and yet as soon as she asked for it, he immediately sought out ways to help her.

So let me repeat:

How you do anything is how you do everything.

Think about that.

I'd love to know how this resonates with you. Please leave your thoughts below – and thanks!

(c) 2010 Alicia Forest

About the author:  Alicia M Forest, MBA, 6-Figure Business Breakthrough Mentor, teaches self-employed professionals how to attract more clients, create profit-making products and services, make more sales, and ultimately live the life they desire and deserve. For FREE tips on how to create wild abundance in your business, visit

4 Ways to Gracefully Set Boundaries In Your Business

As your business grows, and your client and customer base increases, you'll likely be tested on the strength of your boundaries and the parameters of how you operate your business on every level. I wanted to share some of the boundaries and parameters I have within the way I run my business in the hopes it will help you run a business with more ease and grace sooner than later.

Here are 4 ways that you can gracefully set boundaries in your business:

1. Have a policy page

For every product, program or service you offer, someone is going to ask you to do something different for them. It could be to offer it in a different format, at a different time or day, with a payment plan option, or dozens of other scenarios than I can't possibly cover here.

As a general rule of thumb, don't accommodate. Yes, there will be times when you make a different decision, but most of the time, stick to the parameters you created in the first place. You can't please everyone, and every time you accommodate someone, you a) typically un-accommodate someone else who was just fine with the way your offer stood in the first place, and b) attract more people who will ask you to bend things for them in the future.

What do you do with the requests you get? Create a policy page from each and every decision you've made on how you will or will not run your business. Then when the next person makes a similar request, you simply send them to that page that explains clearly what your policy is, and that the policy applies to everyone. It takes the edge of it feeling like saying 'no' was a personal decision as much as it makes it super-simple for your team to handle these requests.

2. Be fair to ALL your clients

Being fair to all my clients is one value that I hold dearly that makes it easy for me to be clear about the boundaries I have in place in my business. If you remember that it's NOT that you aren't willing or don't want to be accommodating, but that it simply wouldn't be fair to the rest of your clients and customers by doing so, it makes it much easier to say no graciously, and it keeps your integrity intact.

3. Have a buffer

Having someone on my team who manages these requests is imperative. First, as the businessowner and leader of my company, it's not the best use of my unique brilliance to be dealing with these requests personally. Second, my team is quite capable of knowing when a request may require my attention, and I trust them to let me know. And third, it makes saying 'no' less personal and much more graceful and respectful to the person making the request when they get an answer from my team instead of from me.

4. Be willing to let go

At times, I still struggle with a tendency to over-explain. I like to craft just the right words to make sure someone understands my decision about something. I've realized that in doing so I've wasted a lot of time, energy and emotion. So I stopped doing that for the most part. Recently, I found myself back in that loop again, and when I realized how much of my team's time I was wasting, it bopped me over the head. I instantly went back to my short-but-sweet way of responding.

Here's the thing: there's always going to be a tiny percentage of people who want you to customize and accommodate them. But let them go play somewhere else. Because what happens when you stick to your guns is that you honor your value, your time, and your self-respect. You attract more clients and customers who are ideal and who are respectful of you and your team as well, and your business runs more smoothly and more joyfully.

I'd love to know how this resonates with you. Please leave your thoughts below – and thanks!

(c) 2010 Alicia Forest

About the author:  Alicia M Forest, MBA, 6-Figure Business Breakthrough Mentor, teaches self-employed professionals how to attract more clients, create profit-making products and services, make more sales, and ultimately live the life they desire and deserve. For FREE tips on how to create wild abundance in your business, visit