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Happy Birthday to ME!

Well, James did it again – last Mother’s Day, he surprised me with a sailboat. For my birthday this year, he surprised me with a serious upgrade… 🙂


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Chloesterring_2Isn’t she a beauty? I can’t wait to take her out on the lake this summer!!

Your Online Business Sales Cycle

Creating a profitable business online is a process, just like creating any other business. Regardless of what it is that you’re offering, your cash flow is based on your sales. Once you know and implement the online business sales cycle (which anyone can follow), you’ll be able to create consistent cash flow for your business, too.

Here are the six basic steps in the online business sales cycle:

Step 1. Choose Your Prospects


To Niche or Not to Niche

Are you like many enterpreneurs who are afraid to choose a niche for your offerings? I know there can be the fear that you’re limiting your business if you narrow your niche down too much, but that simply isn’t true. Believe me, it’s so much easier and profitable to market to a smaller portion of the market (just think how many people there are in the world!) than to try to be all things to all people. And you’ll be amazed to find out that you actually open yourself up to possibilities that would not have come up had your focus been all over the map.

Next let me say that lots of (particularly new) businessowners struggle with this issue. All you want to do is give your gifts to the world, and making decisions that make you feel as though you are saying "no" to a segment of the population may not feel right to you. But by choosing to focus only on a certain group of people who have a common struggle, you are ensuring that your work actually gets out there, and you will be astounded at what comes your way.


3 Steps to Driving the Right Traffic to Your Website

One of the biggest challenges many of my clients have is getting enough visitors to their websites. And not just any visitors, but the right kind of visitors – the ones who are high quality prospects for you.

There are literally hundreds of ways you can drive the right kind of traffic to your website, and usually a combination of several brings the best kind of visitor to your site – the ones who are most likely to take action with you – whether that’s to sign up for your teleseminar, join your bootcamp, buy your info-product or simply sign up for your ezine list.

But once we get into looking at a client’s site, the piece we often find missing is a clearly defined niche. If you don’t know who your target clients and customers are, it makes it really difficult to find them and to let them find you.


Is Your Website Working For You?

A question I often ask my target market is, "what’s your biggest challenge with building your business online?" And one answer I get frequently is this:

How do I make my website earn money?

If you’ve got a business online, then it’s likely you have some sort of web presence. Perhaps it’s a one-page ‘sign up for my list’ kind of site, or a full-blown brochure site with a menu of choices, or maybe your site is in the form of a blog. Regardless of what kind of site (or sites) you have, if they’re not doing what you want them to – and since we’re in business, ultimately that means making some sort of a profit – then it’s time to make some changes.
