One question I get asked a lot is how I’m able to run a successful business while raising now two small children.
One of my ‘tricks’ has been to use what I call a ‘Priority Card’ that helps me stay focused (see article below), which has been working quite well for me and for a number of my clients as well.
Well, recently my colleague Laura Howard West released her Joyful Business Guide, which includes what she calls Daily Giggle Goals cards. Much to my joy, she also offers the cards for purchase separate from her system, and because I could immediately see how they would take my ‘priority card’ strategy to a whole new level, I immediately bought a pack.
First, they are lovely to look at and write on (much better than my boring index cards). They are double-sided, so you get to use each card twice (there’s abundance for you). And they not only give me a place to hold my priorities for the day, but they also give me a place to list the things I’m willing to hand over to the Universe. That’s the really fun part about Laura’s cards – I get a kick out of thinking about what I’d like help with from the Universe and then watching to see what happens. I know that as I make this a daily habit, there are going to be some major shifts in my business and my life. I’ll keep you posted!
How to Wipe Out Overwhelm
by Alicia M. Forest, MBA
Multiple Streams Queen & Coach
How often do you find yourself in this scenario?
It’s Monday morning and you’re all geared up for a productive week ahead. You’ve got your to-do list (massive as it is) at the ready and you sit down at your desk to start checking things off.
As you know, we welcomed a beautiful baby boy into our family just a few weeks ago…
And with his due date looming (and a mother’s intuition that he wasn’t going to wait much longer to make his entrance into the world) it was literally the day before he did when I wrapped up my much-anticipated BRAND-NEW product and sent it off to the printer.
And now it’s FINALLY here… with a limited-time special price to celebrate these two births!
Do come by to see what I’ve created just for you…
~ A
PS: It’s a quick-read page to the goods so why not take a moment now to check it out… 😉
Do you do everything yourself when it comes to running your business? Or are you like me and find it difficult to delegate to others, at least sometimes? Do you think you don’t have the money to hire help? Well, I’m going to show you how hiring help can help increase your bottom line dramatically.
Not delegating is one of the major hurdles my private clients seem to struggle with. They are doing everything themselves and are so busy with the little administrative things that they have little time to devote to their "genius" work – developing products and services for their niche and working directly with their clients. Once they’ve hired help, either a virtual assistant or an in-office assistant, and move through the growing pains of delegating and trusting that the work will get done (and might even get done faster and better than they could do it themselves), I can always sense a feeling of freedom and excitement as the space opens up for them to work on the things that are really creative and inspiring to them, instead of dealing with invoices or fixing a glitch with their web page. And very soon after, their business really starts to move forward because they have the time and focus to dedicate to increasing their product and services line, which, of course, translates into more profits.
Writing valuable content-rich articles for your target market and submitting them to article directories and other publishers is one of the best ways to market your business, become known as an expert in your field, and add subscribers to your list.
For example, if you regularly write an article for your ezine, you can get a lot more mileage out of it if you submit it to article directories and other online publishing services. And making every piece you write work more than once for you is one way to work smarter and not harder. That’s called leverage.
There are several reasons why you want to do this. One is to get your name and your business out there so people will learn who you are and what you do, and it helps to position you as an expert. No more keeping yourself a secret and hiding behind your computer! 🙂 Another reason is that your articles give people a taste of your style, what it is that you offer, and it gives them an opportunity to get to know you a bit without risking anything.
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