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Guarantees: Why You Should Offer Them

There are many questions that often come up for new small business owners around offering guarantees – what kind, how long, am I risking too much by doing so, and even if they should offer them at all.

In my business, I offer a guarantee on everything I sell. The guarantees for my products are slightly different than the guarantees I give for my 1:1 coaching and consulting services, but the one thing they have in common is this:


5 Ways to Turn a Holiday Lull to Your Advantage

You may be too busy during the holiday season to notice if your business is slowing down a bit, but in case you’re not, there are several things you can do to use this time to your advantage as you head into the new year.


Let the holidays begin!

I’ve been really looking forward to this holiday season with Chloe – Christmas is going to be such fun. Here we are in various stages of getting ready for Santa’s visit… 🙂

Littlemeandlittletree Pickingtree Decoratingtreewithmommy Decoratingtree_1 Decoratingtreewithdaddy4 Holystocking

Holy Stocking!