If you’re a female entrepreneur who’s building a leveraged online business so you can keep your family first, this is for you.
As the same, I’m always looking for ways to leverage what’s already working in my business to improve my results so I can grow my business more quickly without more effort.
Where in your business could you do the same? Take this mini-assessment to find out.
__ 1. Do you know your priorities?
You need to know the highest-payoff activities to focus on in your business before you can fully leverage them for a far greater result.
If you often feel scattered, and that you’re too often flying by the seat of your pants, and you would LOVE to have a much more streamlined and simplified process for creating flow in your business on every level, it starts with knowing and focusing only on what matters.
What’s your #1 highest-payoff activity in your business today?
__ 2. Are your sales lacking?
If you’re not making as many sales as you want, there’s likely some missing pieces in your sales flow. I’m sure you know that just putting something out there online does not equal a successful offer. There are several critical pieces you need to have in place first, and then a strategy to convert from offer to sale.
What is the #1 missing piece in your sales process today?
__ 3. Do you abandon your current clients/customers?
It is far easier to sell something to someone who has already bought from you, and yet this is one of the most common places where entrepreneurs leave money on the table.
What is the natural next step you could offer to your current clients/customers?
__ 4. Do you leave your prospects hanging?
70% of your sales are in the follow-up. Don’t leave your potential clients and customers hanging just because your offer went live. Keep touching base with them, making sure they don’t feel abandoned, that you truly do want to help them.
Where in your current or next offer could you add a follow-up process?
__ 5. Do you have an “easy yes” offer?
Do you have a way to work with your market that’s an easy yes for them? I’m not talking about private work at your highest level. I’m talking about being able to experience your work in a way that leverages your time yet supports your client as well?
What simple product or program could you create that walks your client through your process in a do-it-yourself way?
These are just 5 areas to be looking at where you could up the ante on what you already have in place in your business – or what you should have in place to create the success you desire. We’ll cover 5 more in Part 2, but in the meantime, spend some time figuring out for yourself where you can apply the above to start seeing better results for less effort.
If you want to know where you’re not leveraging in your business, be sure to get my free mini-assessment here