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Get Known & Grow Your Tribe 7-Day Business Booster Challenge

Congratulations, you’re in for the ride!

The Get Known & Grow Your Tribe 7-Day Business Booster Challenge begins Tuesday, February 20th.

And because I know you’re busy and have a thousand things on your mind, I’ll send you a couple of email reminders about it.

Meanwhile, if you can do these 2 things for me, I’ll be chair-dancing over here in NH. 😉

1. CLICK HERE to get a message when I am about to go LIVE on Facebook with the lessons and for Q&As.

2. CLICK HERE to join the Lively Biz for Lifestyle Entrepreneurs Facebook group, where the challenge will take place, and where you can connect with others in the challenge and ask me your questions too!

I’ll be going live at 1pm Eastern Tuesday-Friday with your challenge lessons. Then over the weekend, I’ll be jumping on for LIVE Q&As where you can ask me anything you want (but let’s keep it about business-building and lifestyle design, ok? ;-)). I don’t know what times yet, but I’ll give you a head’s up beforehand.

Then we’ll come back together at 1pm Eastern on Monday, February 26 to wrap up the challenge with your final lesson.

I’ll be giving away some cool prizes each day too, so do join us live if you can.

This is going to be fun. 🙂

~ A