Are you an Enlightened Entrepreneur?
I love working closely and at a high-level with a very small number of women entrepreneurs. I’ve been honored to work with some truly amazing businesswomen who are doing incredible things, making great money AND enjoying their life.
For over 9 years, I’ve worked with many clients at this high level, with much success and a very high renewal rate. When I decided to pare down my 1:1 coaching a few years ago, these private coaching spots became coveted and were secured by those clients until they were ready to release them.
As these spots have been released, I’ve chosen not to refill them at that intense and intimate level of coaching, but to work privately with only one client at that highest level in my Enlightened Entrepreneur program.
For the past 6 years, this spot has been full, but now that our coaching relationship has move into a more maintenance mode, I am opening that single spot at this level, but only IF the right person applies.
The Enlightened Entrepreneur program includes a very close mentoring relationship with me, with a ton of phone, email and in-person coaching, plus an all-access pass to everything I offer, and more. It’s a commitment for both of us, and to be sure that it’s the right commitment for both of us, acceptance into the program is by invitation and application only.
If you’re seriously interested in applying for this one spot, simply let me know via entering your name and email below, and we’ll follow up with you very soon. There’s no obligation, of course, but if you are feeling a tug towards working with me at this level, then go ahead and tell me, ok?
A little bit of my journey…
In 2009, I was at a point in my own business when I knew I had to make a more significant investment in order to grow my business past the 6-figure mark. It was a HUGE leap of faith (+ $40k) but that was the year that I tripled my income, and learned to leverage everything in my business so that I could honor the amount of time off I wanted while still making really great money.
I was terrified to commit but I knew it was the right decision – it was one of the most significant times where I truly followed my intuition. Of course I’m grateful and glad I did as it has made ALL the difference…
But here’s what I really wanted you to know – the coach I invested in didn’t know me at all. I’d never bought anything from her before; I was just a name on her email list. And while my Enlightened Entrepreneur program is limited to one client at a time, and is by invitation only, perhaps YOU are that client and I simply don’t know it yet. 😉