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Do you know what your Center of Authenticity is?

My very first business coach introduced me to the concept of Your Center of Authenticity.

Basically, it’s your WHY.

It’s the condensed story of why you do what you do for your online business.

Where the passion and desire come from.

And when we know what that is, and weave a story around it, that’s when it has the magic to connect with our perfect people, our market of those whom we most want to serve.

So what is it? Well, if you’re brand-new to figuring out what you want to do and who you want to do it with and for, it’s your answer to this question:

What has happened in your life, good or bad, that would be of the most use to share with others?

Once you start digging into your answer to that questions, you’ll start to see the possibilities of what you can help people with.

If you’re a little further along in your business, you can deepen your resonance with your market by applying it to your current messaging.

What has happened in your business, good or bad, that would be of the most use to share with others?

The more clear and specific we can be with our messages, the easier and more quickly we can grow our online business.

Your Action Step: Ask yourself the Center of Authenticity question – either as it applies to your life or your business – and take what you learn from this exercise and apply it to your messaging.

This is one of my favorite things to do with my clients – work on their messaging. If you’d like my help with this, find out how here.