Is your current Lead Magnet in need of a refresh or replacement?
Here’s the thing…
If you don’t have a really compelling free Lead Magnet to offer to your audience, you won’t have an audience to make your paid offer to.
My first Lead Magnet was ugly and had too much content.
But that Lead Magnet was the key to my converting over 40% to those who opted-in into buyers of my first digital product.
If you don’t get this piece right, it’s an uphill battle.
Here are 5 simple steps to creating a fresh and compelling Lead Magnet:
Step 1. Choose it
Before you create a new free content opt-in, be sure it’s something your audience wants. If you don’t know what that is, just ask them.
Ask your prospects a simple, open-ended question, like “What’s your biggest challenge with building your business online?” or “What’s the one thing you’d like to learn more about that relates to balancing your work and family life?”
Tailor the question to your area of expertise and use the answers you get to help spark ideas for your new freebie.
Remember, your market will tell you what it wants, if you’ll just ask them. 😉
Step 2: Write it
Once you know the topic of your freebie based on your research, it’s time to write it.
(Even if you’re filming a video, you’ll still need some form of written content to to help your viewers consumer your content – plus it doubles as your script).
I find the easiest way to create new content is to write an outline first and then fill it in.
Remember to keep it short so your reader actually consumes your content.
Step 3. Design it
Once you’re done writing your content, decide how to package it for your subscriber.
Here’s some of the most simple and highest-converting options:
Cheat Sheet
Short Guide
One-Page Blueprint
If design is not your forte, use
Step 4. Deliver it
Once your freebie is ready to be released, create your opt-in page and thank you page and connect it to your email list service provider.
To make the entire process a snap, I highly recommend Leadpages.
Step 5. Promote it
Yay! You’ve done the hard work, so now it’s just a matter of letting your market know that your fresh and compelling Lead Magnet is available.
The first thing I like to do is send it to my existing list (it’s a surprise bonus to them for already being on my list) and share it in my paid program groups. I’ll ask them to share the Lead Magnet with their circles as well.
Then we set up an automated system for sending out the Lead Magnet promos on a consistent basis so we can consistently build my list.
There you have it… 5 simple steps to creating a fresh compelling Lead Magnet!
When yours is ready, I’d love to see it. Feel free to share it inside our free Facebook community here:
I’m leading a workshop in this topic soon and we’re gathering an “I’m interested” list – click here if you’re interested too
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