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Here are some of the common questions we’ve received for Alicia’s Launch Logistics Intensive course. If you have a question that’s not answered here, just email and we’ll get back to you asap!

“I’ve never done a launch before. Am I ready for this program?”

It’s almost better if you’re at the very beginning stages of putting a launch into action. You get to do it right the first time, and not waste time trying to figure it all out on your own.

But the question to ask is, are you ever really going to be ‘ready’? You can either keep getting ready or you can be ready now. Either is fine – it’s just a choice.

Will the training calls be recorded if I can’t make a class live?”

YES. Not only will you have access to the audio recordings of all the classes, you’ll also be able to download them via MP3 in case listening via your MP3 or other mobile device is your preference.

“Are you seriously including List-Building Secrets with the Launch Logistics™ program?”

LOL, Yes, I seriously am, but only if you register before the take-actions savings goes away. And it will be an updated and revised edition, which we’ll send out to you by June 1.

The reason I’m including it is because list-building is such a critical component to having successful launches. It’s such a huge topic that it’s grown into its own stand-alone product, which sells currently at $497-.

So let’s do some math: you get Launch Logistics™ + List-Building Secrets = almost $1500- worth of retail value, PLUS you get me live for the entire course of the program, for the early-bird rate of just $497-. What a deal, eh?

(Plus you get access to the recordings/materials of my Strategic Business Planning Virtual Retreat, which you won’t see on the sales page – you just have to act quickly to get this surprise bonus too!)

Will implementing things from your program need to wait until the course is complete, or will we have pieces we can work on right away?

YES. You’ll start working with the material right away. As soon as you reserve your spot, you’ll be invited to join our private Facebook group, where you can start asking questions, get feedback and support as soon as the course begins on May 5.

Will Launch Logistics™ require us (or encourage us) to hire a bunch of outside resources to make the program work?

Not unless you want to. Everything in the program is do-it-yourself. And it’s everything I’ve done too – so I can personally answer any questions you have about doing it yourself. And I have a great team that if I don’t know the answer, I can ask them.

Do you cover any information on using blogs and social media for launches?

Yes, we cover how to effectively use both blogs and social media in your launches, including what to write and how to use one piece of content in multiple ways during your launch.

Will we get advice or help in creating a product to launch?

Yes and no. It’s best if you already have a product or a program in mind that you want to apply the launch materials to, but it’s ok if it’s something brand-new, or if you’d like to brainstorm ideas on the private Facebook group.

What can we expect as an end result of the training if we do the work and apply what you teach?

This program will give you the foundation and frameworks of successful and sustainable launches for your offers. If you attend class, do the work, and implement what you learn, your business will grow and you will create more income. Yeah!

Will Launch Logistics™…

Give me benchmarks for every step in my launches (how many teleseminar/webinar attendees is ideal, how many ezine subscribers I should have, how much information I should share, how often I should email my list, conversion rates, etc.)?

Yes. In my own business-building efforts, I know how helpful it is to have at least general rules of thumb so we know when we’re on the right track. Wherever possible, I share the most recent information for benchmarks that are working online right now to help you gauge your efforts.

Teach me how to automate the launch process?

Yes – for every piece that can be automated. I’ve said it before, but I am all about leverage. If it can be automated to free up my time for more income-generating tasks, I’m all for it. And no – as a launch is a living thing – and must be tended to as such.

Show me how to convert people who told me they’re interested in my offer into paying clients and customers?

Yes, in the program I teach you how to build that critical relationship from a place of authenticity and integrity to help you covert potential clients and customers into paying (and raving!) clients and customers.

Emails seem to be such an important part of the launch…will you be giving a schedule for these and any examples for content? Will you give me examples, templates, and models to follow for the whole launch?

Yes. I’m big on giving examples, templates and models for making your work much easier. I’ll give you lots of word-for-word examples, timelines to follow, sample calendars, mindmaps, checklists, and of course I’ll give you lots of my own examples throughout the program.

I will be giving you a schedule of emails as a model to follow – as well as examples of the type of emails (first invitation, reminder emails, content only to generate more interest, FAQ emails, last chance, deadlines, etc.).

Will you be holding this course again?

At this time, I have no intention of holding this course LIVE again, so if you want me to personally lead you through Launch Logistics™, give you all the support and coaching you need, and answer all your questions along the way, now is the time to register.

Ready to reserve your spot? Just CLICK HERE now