Want to spend 3 hours with me focused on YOU?
If you’re feeling stuck, overwhelmed or just ready to make a change in your business but you’re unsure how to do so…
…Or you’re ready to stop trying to figure everything out on your own, and you want expert help in creating your next steps and a plan of action…
…then a Business Breakthrough Virtual Retreat is perfect for you!
Each retreat is custom-designed ~ it’s about you, your agenda and what you most want and need to move your business forward with a clear path and plan of action.
Within a day, we will break through your stuck places, lift the overwhelm from your shoulders, and make the right decisions to move your business forward from a place that feels light and even fun!
How My Business Breakthrough Virtual Retreat Works:
Step 1: Reserve a Business Breakthrough Virtual Retreat with your payment below.
Step 2: Fill out the questionnaire that will come by email immediately after purchasing.
Step 3: Schedule your 3-hour Virtual Retreat via email with my assistant.
Step 4: Log into my private Zoom room and we get to work.
That’s it. Simple, just the way I like it.
Need a bit more detail?
My Business Breakthrough Virtual Retreat is custom-designed for each client.
Retreats are scheduled Monday-Thursday, between the hours of 9am – 2:30pm Eastern, though there is some flexibility (and yes, we will take breaks).
Once your retreat is scheduled, I’ll review your questionnaire and spend some time looking at your various online platforms, including your website and social media accounts, and start percolating ideas and where we can add, delete, tweak and streamline.
I’ll get an overall sense of your message and market and be able to give you insights on where you may need to shift to more easily and quickly achieve the results you desire.
During your retreat, we’ll cover everything you’ve shared in your questionnaire plus anything else I think it important to getting you from where you are to where you want to be with your business.
I’ll ask that you come fully prepared and able to focus. In return, you’ll get my 23+ years of business experience and my intuition, and you’ll leave with a plan of action designed to fit YOU.
Of course, in order to enjoy results, you’ll need to integrate and implement that plan. 🙂
Just 3 2 Spots Available
Secure your private 3-hour Business Breakthrough Virtual Retreat
for $750 $500 $297
“I can’t say enough about getting the chance to work with Alicia. After attending her OBBW Workshop I signed up on the spot to work with her privately. To kick off our work together I attended a full day private retreat where together we mapped out a plan for my business, my launches, my marketing and how to generate the income I was looking to achieve. Not only did I leave the retreat with exactly what I was looking for but much more.
Alicia gives you everything and doesn’t hold back. I’m so fortunate to have her as both a mentor and friend and I can’t recommend her highly enough. It will be one of the best business decisions you will ever make.”
Jeannie Spiro
“From one who has taken two virtual VIP days with you leading the way, I can attest to the efficiency, convenience and ease on the client’s part of participating in a VIP day! And, aside from that, the information is life-transforming. It’s a win-win all the way! I’m looking forward to putting these in place for my own clients! Thanks, Alicia! Wonderful stuff, as always!”
Rev. Anne Presuel
I have just been on fire since yesterday’s intensive. I wanted to share with you the Master Plan (or as my sister calls it, “The Monster Plan” lol) I feel AWESOME about this. It honours the abundance that is in my heart and the simplicity that gives ground.
I am delighted, excited, inspired and motivated! All of this has been percolating for over a year but somehow, shnick, it all fell into place. Thank YOU!”
Jamie Ridler
She was so well-prepared for our in-person retreat, having every aspect of my business mapped out before I had arrived – which allowed us to jump right in! Her business coaching and intuitive guidance was spot-on, and her powerful questions led to many breakthrough moments. And to top it off, her detailed retreat follow-up totally blew me away! She captured every thought, every idea, and every thread of discussion – and gave me even more juicy nuggets to ponder. I have never felt so taken care of in my business!”
Tina Games
Sandy Rees, CFRE
Hey there, I’m Alicia.
I’m a business strategist for online entrepreneurs.
After over 23 years of being a profit-producing entrepreneur growing my business coaching company, I know exactly how frustrating it can be to feel like you’re on a solo journey to nowhere when it comes to building your business online.
I know exactly what it’s like to feel confused and desperate, whether you’re at the beginning stages of building your business or you’ve reached the next level and now things are even more overwhelming.
I know exactly how tempting it can be to throw in the towel and go get a job.
But I know YOU are not going to do that – and that’s why you’re here.
I’ve experienced it all when it comes to this crazy entrepreneurial ride we’re on. I’ve learned and solved, then mentored and coached thousands of online entrepreneurs to break through their biggest stumbling blocks, whether practical or mindset – and usually both.
All you need is someone else’s expert eyes on your business to shine the light on the puzzle pieces that are missing, to connect the dots, to make sense out of what you’re trying to create.
Then it’s putting it into a simplified and streamlined plan that you can easily take action on every day to move your business forward without the stress and strain of trying to figure it out all on your own.
I’m here to help you with this during your own private Business Breakthrough Virtual Retreat.

Before, I had sort of a hazy idea about how to go about it–and I wasn’t so confident. Now I am so excited because I feel I have the steps to implement the strategies to make major pay days a reality.
After two years of coaching privately with Alicia, I went from zero income to 6-figures, created the brand I’m now known for, held my first live event, and so much more. The bottom line is that Alicia changed my life.”
Christine Gallagher
Alicia’s very generous in sharing what she has, and it seems like no matter how much I might already know about a specific topic, she always has another idea, or tool, or resource to offer.
What I value most about Alicia is her honesty and her optimism. Those are the qualities that allow a coach to be the most supportive and effective in moving clients forward. And that’s what Alicia does for her clients.”
Helen Graves