Hey there,

It’s been almost three months since I’ve blogged, which sounds a lot like "it’s been three months since my last confession, Father…" 🙂 and I must confess that I’ve missed it, and I’ve made a commitment to blogging at least a couple of times a week as part of my business-building efforts going forward.

If you want to keep on top of what’s happening here, then make sure you subscribe over at the right–>

So, here I am, back from an extended summer vacation and finally feeling like I’m getting back into the groove of things. We spent almost all of July and August at the lake where Chloe’s grandparents summer and where I did growing up, and of course, I took a TON of photos (almost 500 in all!). If you’d like a glimpse of how we spent our days, and see some truly glorious sunset pictures, just click on the photo under CHLOE on the right –>>

Something amazing happened this summer (other than Chloe’s vocabulary growing from 4 words to 400 in a matter of weeks) and that is that I was actually MORE productive (and profitable) on vacation than I was the last few months working out of my home office in NY.

Needless to say, I’ve been pondering why so I can continue that momentum, and I’ll be sharing what I come up with in an upcoming ezine article soon. If you don’t have your own free subscription to my ezine, Creating Client Abundance, be sure to sign up by clicking the link on the left <– or by sending a blank email to clientabundance@aweber.com

There’s much more to share, so stay tuned – and I’d love to hear from you. Just click the comments button below!

~ A